MIMRA to get climate boost

At the signing ceremony, from left: MIMRA Director Glen Joseph, MIMRA Legal Counsel Laurence Edwards, II, and Micronesia Conservation Trust Executive Director Willy Kostka.

The Micronesia Conservation Trust took a significant step toward bolstering climate resilience in the Northern Pacific Small Island Developing States with the signing of climate-related subsidiary agreements on last week.

These agreements were linked with the Palau Protected Areas Network Fund and the Marshall Islands Marine Resources Authority (MIMRA) to serve as executing entities for the Global Climate Fund-funded project titled “Ecosystem-based Adaptation for Reducing Community Vulnerability to Climate Change in Northern Pacific Small Island Developing States.” The funding is over $9.5 million.

MIMRA Director Glen Joseph and Legal Counsel Laurence Edwards, II, signed the documents along with Micronesia Conservation Trust Executive Director Willy Kostka in Pohnpei.

These subsidiary agreements solidify the terms and conditions governing the use of Green Climate Fund resources, while also establishing clear accountability measures for the participating entities in executing Green Climate Fund-approved projects.

The core objective of this initiative is to increase, expand, replicate, and foster an enabling environment for ecosystem-based adaptation measures, focusing on locally-led climate adaptation efforts in the Federated States of Micronesia (FSM), Palau, and the Marshall Islands.

“By the conclusion of the program, Green Climate Fund financing will have been directed toward institutional and community capacity-building to ensure the long-term sustainability of the sub-projects funded by the ecosystem-based adaptation,” said Kostka in a release. “Dedicated sub-granting facilities will be operationalized in each host country to fund locally-led ecosystem-based adaptation sub-projects, further cementing the project’s commitment to empowering local communities in the fight against climate change.”

The Micronesia Conservation Trust is dedicated to advancing climate resilience in the Northern Pacific SIDS and will continue to work in collaboration with its partners to ensure the success of this crucial initiative, the Micronesia Conservation Trust said.


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