New docs boost Majuro hospital

A ceremony to honor three new Marshallese doctors was held Friday November 27 at Marshall Islands Resort. Drs. Francis Hicking (second from left), Annie Chong Gum (fourth from left), and Kyle Lemari (second from right) were joined by Health Minister Bruce Bilimon (third from left), Health Secretary Jack Nidenthal (right) and numerous family members and friends.
Niedenthal administered the Hippocratic Oath to the three doctors, which followed the provision of their white coats and training certificates, and issuance of their physician licenses. Photo: Eve Burns.

Three newly minted medical doctors were honored at their graduation ceremony at Marshall Islands Resort on November 27. They are working at Majuro hospital.

The three, Drs. Kyle Lemari, Annie Chong Gum and  Francis Hicking, recently completed their studies in Taiwan.


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