Fifty women gathered at the Robert Reimers Hotel Bokanake House on August 9 in Majuro for the North Pacific Women’s Action Program. The event was funded by the New Zealand Consulate in Honolulu, Hawaii and hosted by the East-West Center of Hawaii.
Yolanda Lodge-Ned, Assistant Attorney General and East-West Center alumnae opened the session. Minister of Internal Affairs Amenta Matthew addressed the group at lunch.
Thirteen Marshallese women, including a delegation representing iroij from Ebeye, Mayors of Likiep and Ebon, and Women United Together Marshall Islands (WUTMI) leaders joined together to run the event. They encouraged women to create the future they want through sessions called Challenges and Opportunities, Core Values and Noble Causes, and Future Seeds and Stepping Stones.
Read more about this in the August 19, 2016 edition of the Marshall Islands Journal.