Two Oregon-based non-profit organizations are providing education-related donations to community members and outer island schools in need.
Dale Nabu, a recent graduate of Eastern Oregon University, was active with the two Oregon groups while living on the west coast. Now back in Majuro, he’s continuing to be a link between the Oregon groups Living Islands and Micronesian Islander Community and the community in RMI.
Earlier this month, Dale organized distribution of 50 sets of backpacks for elementary and middle school students in Majuro that were provided by the Micronesian Islander Community. The backpacks were randomly handed out to Majuro students.
Dale said that MIC also sponsored $1,300 food certificates from K&K Island Pride Supermarket gift certificates for outer island schools, while Living Islands has sponsored $500 of these certificates.
Representatives received the gift certificates on behalf of public elementary schools on Wotje, Aur, Namu, Ailinglaplap, Maloelap, Utrok and Mili.
He expressed appreciation to the two Oregon organizations.
He said Living Islands and the Micronesian Islander Community “continue to support and suppress Covid-19 in Oregon, specifically for the COFA families facing challenges. It’s been a privilege to work under them as their facilitator since the pandemic started.”
He said the initial goal was for providing back to school supplies to Majuro students. But the two Oregon groups wanted to reach outer islanders, so the donations were expanded to support outer island school needs.
“These are non-profit organizations that continue to aid the Pacific Islander communities throughout the state of Oregon since prior to the pandemic outbreak,” he said. “The executive director for MIC is Jackie Leung and the executive director for Living Islands is Kianna Juda Angelo. Many thanks for their generous efforts to our people.”