Power plant a nightmare

Front pages from 1982, 1991 and 2011.

Journal 1/12/1982

P6 Reiher calls power plant a nightmare
Power continues to be rationed this week as one breakdown after another keeps workers jumping from problem to problem. “It’s a nightmare,” said Bernard Reiher, acting secretary of Public Works. Reiher said he installed hundreds of power plants in Vietnam and some of them were in bad shape but none, he insists, is as bad as the one here.

Journal 1/25/1991

P1 Ship registry promise is for a Pacific future
The Republic of the Marshall Islands is now in joint venture with Reston, Virginia-headquartered International Maritime Services Inc. for the purpose of operating the ship and corporate registry for the Marshalls. “IMS felt that a very substantial segment of the international shipping industry in the Pacific region would naturally be interested in a registry closer to home,” said Clay Maitland, president of the Trust Company of the Marshall Islands. This awareness, with the fact that the Marshalls had already begun registering ships, made IMS receptive to the idea of working together in the region.

P3 Edinal new Nitijela clerk
When you visit Nitijela these days while the meeting is still going, you would be surprised by the new Nitijela clerk. You might have expected to see the lady who used to work there as clerk, Rufina Jack, but nowadays it’s a man. The new Nitijela clerk is Edinal Jorkan. He worked at Foreign Affairs, then at the hospital administration, and from there to Resources and Development before becoming the Nitijela clerk.

P19 WAC hospital visit brings patients joy
The Women’s Athletic Club made a visit to patients at Majuro hospital bringing Christmas. Since its establishment five years ago, this club has made a trip every Christmas to the hospital. The members hand out small gifts.

P23 Don’t get bugged
Majuro nowadays is full of flies. When people go to picnic sites, they always find flies around. And people are disgusted to go to some places they had always frequented before. The Environmental Protection Authority has stepped in to combat flies. The EPA is working with Majuro Atoll Local Government-built fly traps to place around Majuro.

Journal 1/21/2011

P1 PohnpeII
Pacific International Inc. won its first construction contracts in Pohnpei, and with the groundbreaking for three new public elementary schools last week, is getting down to construction work quickly on the $5.3 million Compact-funded projects. PII’s Deborah Shoniber joined key people in the groundbreaking ceremony at Nett Elementary School in Pohnpei.

P3 Alik: Get rid of Nitijela allowance
Vice Speaker Ali Alik has introduced a bill to amend the Nitijela Members Compensation Act to eliminate the “Nitijela session allowance” provided to all 33 members. Bill 87 would amend the Nitijela Members Compensation Act to eliminate the $5,000 session allowance provided to Nitijela members. The current law provides the session allowance, commonly known as the “sitting fee.” “Members have a Constitutional mandate to attend sessions of the Nitijela, and (the law) should not impose a punitive (monetary) condition upon a legal duty for which Members are bound to do,” the bill’s summary said. “Failure to perform a legal duty without justification is a violation of the intent of the Constitution.”


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