Ri-Majol dies in Iraq war

Marshall Islander Solomon “Labai” Sam, 31, was killed in action in Iraq

Journal 12/13/1985

P3 New night club A good time was had by all at The Pub’s grand opening last Friday. It is an excellent new night spot. 

P3 Robert gives canoe gift Robert Reimers personally delivered a 10-foot model of an ancient Marshallese canoe to Alexander Bolton, Vice President of Matson Navigation Company in Honolulu last month. The canoe will be put on display at the Hawaii Maritime Center in Honolulu. During the presentation, Reimers talked about navigation in the Marshalls and said he wished he could remember more of what his uncle, a canoe navigator, told him. “My uncle could tell by the waves which side of the island he was,” said Reimers. “The shape of the island tells how the wave goes, if it is wide or narrow. A navigator can tell by the wave which island it is.”

P11 Newly weds John and Tiareti Horwood were married last Saturday at a ceremony at Uliga church. Several hundred people enjoyed a big party to celebrate the event at Jable that night.

P14 All smiles Louise and Grant Labaun, owners of the Midtown Shop, are happy with their brand new shop in downtown Majuro. The grand opening last week was a smash success and the Journal wishes them all the best.

P20 US media eye Micronesia In the waning days of the US Trusteeship, the American media have finally noticed that there are more than coconut trees and tuna fish in Micronesia. Articles have not only been appearing regularly in such giants as the New York Times and the Washington Post but have been featured prominently — a striking contrast to the usual page 97 that island stories generally find themselves on. Recently, Newsday, a large daily in Long Island, New York, and the Times sent correspondents to the Marshalls and other parts of Micronesia on a quest for some hot news.

Journal 12/12/1997 

P1 How well can you tread water? Most of Majuro and the rest of the Marshall Islands will be underwater by the year 2100 if there is no reduction in production of “greenhouse gasses” by developed nations, report international experts. “The business as usual model of the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change predicts that 80 percent of the land area of Majuro will be submerged by 2100,” says a Marshall Islands government briefing paper on sea level rise. “Marshallese would be among the first of many environmental refugees.”

Journal 12/12/2008

P1 Ri-Majol dies in Iraq Marshall Islander Solomon “Labai” Sam, 31, was killed in action in Iraq last Friday, the first Marshallese to die in the five-year war. The 30-ton truck Sam was driving was hit in a suicide bomb attack by what the Army describes as a “vehicle borne improvised explosive device.” The attacked was reported to have taken place in Mozul.

P3 Pressure mounts to solve UES issue The Majuro student body without a school is a growing problem with no solution in sight. Uliga Elementary School has been located at Assumption Elementary School for three years while an alternative location was supposed to be developed on landfill next to Assumption and the College of the Marshall Islands Islands. But that multi-million  dollar infrastructure project has been on hold for more than a year and although about $3.9 million of US Compact funding has been designated for UES development, Secretary of Education Biram Stege told the Journal that it appears very unlikely that work will start on a new UES facility this year.

P4 Waves blast Majuro shoreline High waves flooded many parts of Majuro Tuesday afternoon, causing damage and washing tons of garbage, rocks and other debris onto the atoll. The eastern coast of Majuro appeared to be hardest hit, with waves slamming seawalls and rolling onto the roads and flooding houses. Although Tuesday’s 1:30pm high tide was only slightly over four feet, it coincided with high waves generated by a low-pressure system in the Wake Island area, about 500 miles north of Majuro. “It shows that we’re extremely vulnerable” to small changes in the environment, said Office of Environmental Planning and Policy Coordination Deputy Director Deborah Manase. “We’re lucky. If the tide had been two feet higher, it would have been much worse.”


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