Journal 9/13/1985
P1 No big shots Down Under Pacific Royalty, Head of State, Minister of Justice, Creator of Airlines, Central Pacific Shipping power: All of these legitimate titles you could bestow on the present President of Nauru Hammer deRoburt. You could also call him hard-headed and determined, at least we think so, after coming upon an astonishing story in the Fiji Times of September 3. Here is what happened as recorded verbatim on the front page of the Times: Melbourne — The President of Nauru flew out of here yesterday after being stranded for three days because he refused to undergo airport security checks. An aviation department spokesman said Sir Hammer deRoburt finally agreed to a check in the Commonwealth VIP lounge at Tullamarine Airport before taking off on a Continental Airlines flight to Honolulu. Sir Hammer and three officials from Nauru were at Melbourne airport last Friday for the 5:30pm Qantas flight to Honolulu. Sir Hammer refused to undergo a check by a handheld security device. “After a short while he continued to refuse and the airline had little choice but to refuse to allow him on board,” the spokesman said. On Saturday, he tried to board a Continental Airlines flight but he again refused the security check. “There are no exemptions (to security checks). All hand luggage is x-rayed and all passengers are required to be checked for carrying metal objects. Even heads of state are not exempt. Our own heads of state are not exempt.”
P3 Leaving on a jet plane Mason and Mira Altiery have moved to Honolulu as the former RepMar Public Information Officer finished his work after a three-year stint with the government. Altiery recently completed a novel on Hawaii which is to be published in Honolulu in the coming months. The former PIO is looking forward to a few months off after three years of cranking out press releases, speeches, and the Marshall Islands Gazette, the official newspaper of the government.
Journal 9/12/1997
P3 All out for All-Mike Teams from all over Micronesia are joining local competitors for the fifth annual Mobil All Micronesia fishing tournament taking place in Majuro this weekend. According to tournament chairman Baron Bigler, over 50 visitors are heading to Majuro to take part in “a fun tourney that’s a good social gathering for all Micronesians.” Taking part are two teams from Palau — 1995’s winners captained by Tommy Remengesau Jr. and Ada Eledui’s team representing the Palau Sport Fishing Association, who are the defending champs. The Palauans also hold the record for the biggest marlin, a 360 pounder, caught by Remengesau in the 1995 tourney.
P19 Workshop aims to improve handicraft quality It’s been a week of learning new business and handicraft skills for 26 outer islanders who are taking part in a workshop at Youth to Youth in Health. The women from Aur, Ailuk, Ailinglaplap, Jabat, Utrok, Kili, Mejatto and Arno will be able to “look at a business statement from last year and understand it,” said course instructor John Van’t Slot. As part of the Income Generating Project, the ladies will all supply handicrafts to the Youth to Youth in Health store in Majuro for sale.
Journal 9/12/2008
P1 Digicel wants RMI Digital Chairman Denis O’Brien flew into Majuro Sunday on his jet with top company executives to meet with President Litokwa Tomeing and members of his Cabinet — demonstrating Digicel’s interest to get into the Marshalls’ market. O’Brien and the government leaders huddled at Long Island Restaurant for a 90-minute get-together before the Digicel group took off to continue its island-hopping.
P1 Capital crumbles In the wake of evacuation of the capital building’s fourth floor, Public Works engineers are urging immediate evacuation of parts of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs on the third floor because of unsafe building conditions.
P8 Kedi, Ading back bill 1756 A resolution endorsing US Senate bill 1756 was introduced by a dozen senators into Niltijela just before Nitijela recessed for three weeks. Resolution 18 states the Nitijela’s support to the US nuclear-related legislation, and also calls on the RMI government to express its support to the US Senate Energy and Natural Resources Committee. “US Senate bill 1756 represents the first serious and substantive attempt by the US government to deal with the consequences of the US nuclear testing program in the Marshall Islands since the Section 177 Agreement went into effect almost 21 years ago,” the resolution said. Rongelap Senator Kenneth Kedi introduced the resolution along with at least 11 other co-signers, including Cabinet Minister Jack Ading from Enewetak.
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