Marshall Islands joined the rest of the world in celebrating Japan Emperor Naruhito’s 64th birthday at the Marshall Islands Resort last Thursday.
In the event, Minister of Foreign Affairs and Trade Kalani Kaneko exchanged toasts with Japan Ambassador Tanaka Kazunari, signifying 35 years of political partnership between the two nations.
In his remarks, Ambassador Tanaka said RMI established political ties with Japan on December 9, 1988, which on the same day last year was the opening of the new RMI Embassy in Tokyo, which President David Kabua attended.
Tanaka also officially invited President Hilda Heine to the Pacific Islands Leaders Meeting (PALM 10) happening in Tokyo in July.
In reciprocal remarks, Minister Kaneko on behalf of President Hilda, said RMI invites Emperor Naruhito to celebrate his next birthday in the Marshall Islands. Minister Kaneko congratulated Emperor Naruhito and conveyed the RMI’s continued support to the people and government of Japan.
Ambassador Tanaka also shared the following developments: The Japanese student exchange program is set to continue following a break from the pandemic and that the number of Japan Overseas Corporations Volunteers is expected to increase to 11 this year. The JOCV volunteers will share their skills at Majuro hospital, Marshall Islands Resort, Environmental Protection Authority, elementary schools and one Japanese teacher at the College of Marshall Islands.