Taiwan Ambassador Jeffery Hsaio and his wife Jasmine were showered with gifts and serenaded at their farewell party last Saturday at the Marshall Islands Resort poolside. Ambassador Hsaio holds the record for the most visits to neighboring islands made by an ambassador to RMI, according to both the ambassador and Minister of Natural Resources and Development John Silk. He visited 15 islands across the country during his four years here.
“During your tenure, our relationship has been strengthened,” said Silk. “Beyond the achievements we have accomplished together, what we appreciate and cherish the most is this friendship.”
Ambassador Hsaio commended the friendship and cooperation that he has had with the government and the people of the Marshall Islands. He also joked about the times he was bitten by dogs.
“On the basis of our common value and partnership,” he said. “I trust the labor of our cooperation including agriculture, fisheries, public health, education, culture, climate change adaption, and gender equality just to name a few shall continue to flourish with fruitful results.”
He added that he is thankful because his trip to the islands was a milestone in his career.
To brighten up the occasion, the Ministry of Foreign Affairs and Trade did two biits (dances). Minister Silk and Minister Brenson Wase added their own share of entertainment by singing classic Marshallese songs “Epaatlok” and “Kwar lelok.”
The Taiwanese community wrapped things up with a classic of their own, “The Moon Represents My Heart.”
Ambassador Hsaio will be assigned as the new Director General for the Southwestern Taiwan Office of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs.
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