Hundreds of people from all walks of life converged at Delap Park Monday to celebrate RMI’s 44th Constitution Day – an annual commemoration that honors the founding of the Constitution, which came into effect on May 1, 1979.
The theme of this year’s Constitution Day is “Idik Tur Eo” (shake the arsenal or a summons to battle).
President David Kabua and his wife First Lady Ginger were joined by Nauru Speaker Marcus Stephen, Taiwan’s Deputy Foreign Minister Chung-kwang Tien, and other VIPs.
Schools and numerous government agencies, embassies, visiting teams, and private sector representatives turned up for the parade.
Miss Marshall Islands Claret Chong Gum was the Mistress of Ceremony for the official ceremony.
Irooj Yoland Jurelang spoke on behalf of Lerooj Esther Zedkaia. “We come together to an important event that made a mark in the world because of the uniqueness of our government, language, and culture,” he said.
Vice-Chairman of the Council of Irooj Lejje Loeak said that the respect for Marshallese culture has dwindled. “Let us strengthen our children, who are the future generation of the country, with the knowledge of culture,” he said. “Let us prepare them for the challenges that lay ahead. Shake the arsenal and keep our culture alive.”
President Kabua called for the nation to shake the arsenal by being prepared for the challenges of our day. The President named climate change as one of the challenges.
President Kabua told his people to unite and work together. “As your President for the last four years, we faced many storms and challenges. But I am grateful that we worked together, shook the arsenal, and didn’t give up. Let us stand firm in the belief of accomplishment through joint effort,” he said.
Assistant Secretary of CIA Antari Elbon read out congratulatory messages from RMI’s allies and diplomatic partners including Australia, Taiwan, Korea, Israel, and Japan.
The thrilling aspect of the event was the immaculate performances from the Taiwanese Naval Academy Band, Marine Corps Honor Guards, and Marine Corps Taekwondo Team — from the choreographed steps, formations, and synchronization to the mid-air kicks and jabs that left the spectators in awe.