By Journal on July 1, 2022
1985, Back in the Day, Haruo Remeliik, June 30, Palau, President of Palau killed, unknown assailant
Back In The Day

Journal 7/5/1985 P1 Palau President killed The president of the Republic of Palau was shot and killed by an unknown assailant after returning to the vicinity of his residence at 12:30am June 30. President Haruo Remeliik was shot three times in the head and throat. P1 3DC Milk this year The new Marshall Islands milk […]
By Journal on June 24, 2022
1985, AMI, Back in the Day, Federated States of Micronesia, flight of the AMI 748 to Kosrae, John Slattebo, Kosrae
Back In The Day

Journal 6/28/1985 P1 AMI starts Kosrae service Air Marshall Islands General Manager John Slattebo announced the inaugural flight of the AMI 748 to Kosrae in the Federated States of Micronesia. The inaugural flight, joined by many dignitaries and officials, is scheduled to leave Majuro June 2. Two years ago, a proving flight to the newly […]
By Journal on June 3, 2022
1985, Back in the Day, first female grad, Marcella Jonathan, Truk, Xavier High School
Back In The Day

Journal 6/7/1985 P1 Marcella Jonathan first girl to graduate from Xavier Another “first” has been attained by a young Marshallese woman who has been studying overseas. She is Marcella Jonathan of Ebeye and has the distinction of being the first young woman to graduate from Xavier High School in Truk. The Jesuit-run high school on […]
By Journal on April 22, 2022
1985, Back in the Day, Kennedy Shaw, Public Service Commission, Tax payers
Back In The Day

Journal 4/26/1985 P1 Airline shake-up Air Marshall Islands has its fifth manager in as many years, the board of directors announced Friday. Pilot John Slattebo has taken over the reigns of the airline from Tim Smith, who resigned last week after little more than a year as manager. P11 Protect tax payer, not incompetent workers […]
By Journal on February 25, 2022
1985, Back in the Day, South Pacific Island Airways
Back In The Day

Journal 3/1/1985 P1 SPIA Majuro to start March 20 The much-awaited South Pacific Island Airways service to the Marshall Islands begins March 20 and SPIA is expected to offer substantial discounts over current airfare costs. P4 Ebeye litterbugs facing extinction Litter-strewn beaches have been the rule rather than the exception on Ebeye — up until […]
By Journal on February 4, 2022
1985, Back in the Day, Compact of Free Association, Guam, Reagan Administration
Back In The Day

Journal 2-8-1985 P1 Reagan anticipates Compact The Reagan administration has cut $98 million out of its territories budget request for fiscal year 1986 in anticipation that the Congress will approve the Compact of Free Association. P2 MIHS Honor Roll First semester seniors: Runiston Gideon, George Hitchfield, Jibella Lamille, Helmer Lang, Jimmy Langley and Clena Pero. […]
By Journal on January 14, 2022
1985, Back in the Day, Bikinians, Maui, Maui News, Move, Opposed, US nuclear testing, Waihee
Back In The Day

Journal 1/18/1985 P1 Bikinians move to Maui opposed A public hearing was held in Maui December 13 to discuss the proposed move of the Bikini people to Waihee area of Maui. According to the Maui News, the residents of Waihee “seemed unanimously opposed” to the idea “although they expressed sympathy with the plight of the […]