Ben Kiluwe

Namdrik race moves along

Namdrik race moves along

HILARY HOSIA The race to determine the next mayor for Namdrik Atoll is formally underway following an official draw at the Ministry of Culture and Internal Affairs Tuesday. The Namdrik Special Election for the mayor seat is scheduled to take place on April 25 this year, timed to coincide with the vote on long-pending proposed […]

Mock vote at MIHS

Mock vote at MIHS

HILARY HOSIA Marshall Islands High School seniors had the opportunity to participate in a mock election where students got to play the different roles in the election process last Friday at the school’s library. One student was cheered on as he emptied the contents of the electoral box while portraying the role of a police […]

Likiep tie: Wallace wins drawing

Likiep tie: Wallace wins drawing

HILARY HOSIA Likiep Nitijela election snapshot: The drawing of lots to determine which candidate will become a member of Nitijela Wednesday at the International Conference Center was more than a decider of who will lead Likiep Atoll in the coming four-year term. The display showcased the unique Marshallese culture where women hold the scepter as […]

CMI students: Vote!

CMI students: Vote!

A class at the College of the Marshall Islands has been in action to promote voting awareness and encourage students to vote in Monday’s national election. As part of their class project, about 30 students from CMI 101 sections two and three last week created posters, charts, surveys, and flyers with election-related content and posted […]

Ballots on their way

Ballots on their way

HILARY HOSIAEligible Marshallese voters residing overseas will have the opportunity to cast their votes ahead of the November 20 National Election Day following the sending off of 1,135 postal ballots on Tuesday. Officials from the Electoral Office and Marshall Islands Postal Services have been working meticulously after hours at the International Conference Center since last […]

RMI election gets Japan support

RMI election gets Japan support

HILARY HOSIA Japan International Cooperation Agency and the Ministry of Culture and Internal Affairs held a one-day electoral seminar at the International Conference Center Tuesday. The unique seminar, according to MOCIA Secretary Brenda Alik, is the first of its kind — “there hasn’t been a training conducted in this level,” Brenda said in her opening […]

Voting registration wraps up

Voting registration wraps up

HILARY HOSIA Cloritha Kinebal will go down in history as the last person to register to participate in the upcoming 2023 national elections. Cloritha was in line with a crowd of 50 when Marshall Islands Police Department Officer Erica Reimers ended the registration process last Friday when the clock struck 5pm. What this meant was […]

Electoral issues final unofficial results

Electoral issues final unofficial results

These are the final, unofficial election results for Nitijela and mayor contests provided by the RMI Electoral Administration. The final unofficial results were issued November 30, triggering a two-week period for candidates to call for recounts or contest results. They will become final results on December 15, 2019. (Note: all Nitijela races are single seats […]