By Journal on June 14, 2019
Giff Johnson, hospital, Isaac Marty, Majuro, US
News Archive

GIFF JOHNSON A small fire on an electrical panel in the TB ward Monday caused power to go off for the facility at Majuro hospital. It confirms ongoing power issues that plague Majuro hospital’s electrical system — problems highlighted in an assessment of the electrical system conducted late last month by a US expert. “The […]
By Journal on May 31, 2019
Defence Nuclear Agency, Giff Johnson, Hawaii
News Archive

GIFF JOHNSON The 18-kiloton atomic bomb test “Cactus” detonated at Enewetak Atoll in May 1958 was, by all accounts, unremarkable. At 18 kilotons, it was smaller than the atomic bombs that had leveled Hiroshima and Nagasaki at the end of World War Two, and paled in contrast to the massive hydrogen bomb tests that were […]
By Journal on May 23, 2019
FSM, Giff Johnson, Majuro, Marshall Islands, Micronesia, Palau, President Doland Trump, President Dr. Hilda Heine, The white House, Tommy Remengesau
News Archive

GIFF JOHNSON President Hilda Heine joined with Palau and Federated States of Micronesia presidents in a historic meeting with President Donald Trump Wednesday (Majuro date) at the White House — the first time the three presidents from the freely associated states have met an American president as a group. In lead up meetings with Interior […]
By Journal on February 14, 2019
Arthur Kaylor Laukon, Arthur Laukon, Carrie Heine, Giff Johnson, Hilary Hosia, Jeja, Julius Lejjena, Kewan Jela, Khama Preston, Ted "Jeja" Kiluwe, Ted Kiluwe
News Archive

GIFF JOHNSON A local man who transformed the nature of Marshallese political debate has died in Honolulu at the age of 56. Arthur Kaylor Laukon became the key manager of the Marshall Islands Facebook page Kewan Jela, which was founded in September 2013 to stimulate debate on a variety of Marshall Islands issues. The site […]
By Journal on December 14, 2018
Bank of Marshall Islands, Giff Johnson, ICDF Program, Yung-Hsin Lin
Feature Articles

GIFF JOHNSON An agreement is expected to be signed next year that will more than double the level of funding for micro loans in the Marshall Islands.
By Journal on July 19, 2018
Giff Johnson, Ministry of Health and Human Services
News Archive

GIFF JOHNSON In five weeks of the TB/leprosy screening program, one-third of Majuro’s population has been checked, putting the Ministry of Health and Human Services on track for completing the screening of 26,000 Majuro residents by September. The screening also confirms predictions health officials made before the start of the program on June 12 that […]
By Journal on March 16, 2018
Fiji National University, Giff Johnson, Greg Dever, Kavekini Neidiri, nurse practitioners
Feature Articles

GIFF JOHNSON An event of importance took place Tuesday this week as a group of nurse practitioners graduated following an 18-month course run by the Fiji National University. It was a groundbreaking course in more ways than one. First, the 12 nurse practitioners who graduated will dramatically increase the pool of local primary health care […]
By Journal on February 1, 2018
Bobby Muller, Giff Johnson, John Masek, Karl Fellenius, Lein Zedkeia, Marshall Islands Conservation Society, Martin Romain, Moriana Phillips, PII, Reginald White, RMI EPA
News Archive

GIFF JOHNSON Pacific International Inc. is proposing a major land reclamation project as part of developing a wide-range of on-shore facilities and services to support fishing vessels in Majuro. The plan was outlined by PII Manager Bobby Muller at a public hearing sponsored by the RMI EPA Monday held at Marshall Islands Resort’s Lomalo Room. […]
By Journal on November 3, 2017
$60 million, Giff Johnson, James Elster, Micronesia-US negotiations
Back In The Day

Journal 11/5/1977 P1 Demand $60M for denial rights By Giff Johnson Several major issues highlighted the first round of renewed Micronesia-US negotiations over the future political status of Micronesia. In a key development, the Micronesians presented a proposal to the US demanding specific compensation for denying the more than three million square miles of ocean […]
By Journal on July 7, 2017
Ebeye, Edward Capelle, Giff Johnson, Joseph Capelle, Likiep, Majuro
Back In The Day

Journal 7/11/1975 P1 No decision yet as deadline nears With the announcement last week by the Marianas delegation to the Micronesian Constitutional convention that they would indeed participate in the ConCon, the question of the Marshalls delegation suddenly became a more spotlighted arena. On July 7, Representative Ataji Balos said in Majuro that no final […]