Jamee Taala

Lots of happy grads

Lots of happy grads

This graduation season saw proud parents, family members, and friends witnessing graduates from secondary schools to colleges in Majuro receiving their diplomas, certificates, awards, and degrees.  As is customary in commencement ceremonies, graduates received academic awards or credentials, speeches from the salutatorian and valedictorian, turning tassels from right to left signifying alumni status, songs, and […]

Alana is Miss Teen FAMI

Alana is Miss Teen FAMI

A huge crowd attended the Filipino Association of the Marshall Islands’ gala Miss Teen FAMI coronation night Saturday at the ICC.They witnessed Alana Hernandez, who represented Cebu, winning this year’s Miss Teen FAMI award.The first runner up was Jamee Margareth Taala (Miss Teen Cagayan Valley) and second runner up was Aliah Villegas (Miss Teen Bulacan). There […]

FAMI puts on a teen show

FAMI puts on a teen show

Last Saturday’s Miss Teen FAMI 2020 Float parade was a knock out performance. Sponsored by the Filipino Association of the Marshall Islands, it showcased the six teenage contestants in high style — from stylish outfits to lavishly decorated floats. Even the rain Saturday could not dampen the high spirit of the event. The Miss Teen […]