Emosi Maitokana

Lots of happy grads

Lots of happy grads

This graduation season saw proud parents, family members, and friends witnessing graduates from secondary schools to colleges in Majuro receiving their diplomas, certificates, awards, and degrees.  As is customary in commencement ceremonies, graduates received academic awards or credentials, speeches from the salutatorian and valedictorian, turning tassels from right to left signifying alumni status, songs, and […]

A royal MIHS celebration

A royal MIHS celebration

WILMER JOEL Marshall Islands High School (MIHS) enhanced the Culture Week spirit and celebration with their second Mini-Manit King and Queen Pageant last week at the school’s compound. The idea of establishing a King and Queen contestant came from the former student body government officers of 2019-2020 which was approved by the school administration and […]