By Journal on September 8, 2016
Alele, Ambrose Balos, Angeline deBrum, Brandy Tartios, David Reiher, Esen Tisa, Hilary Hosia, IT, Leeroy Jitiam, Maily Tarkio, MALGov, Marshall Islands Red Cross, Melvin Majmeto, Tarlos Larron, Will Lathrop
News Archive

Following five weeks of morning sessions at Alele Museum in Majuro, five police officers from Majuro Atoll Local Government received certificates of achievement for completing the Basic Computer and Microsoft Application course. The group is the second batch of local police officers to undergo the course. Alele staffers Tarlos Larron and Angeline deBrum conducted the […]
By Journal on August 26, 2016
Harry Herming, Isaac Marty, Ladie Jack, MALGov, MALGov police, MIRCS, red cross, Rod Kabua, Will Lathrop
Feature Articles

ISAAC MARTY Knowing how to respond to distressing situations such as saving a person from choking or knowing how to deal with someone who is unconscious is the goal for Majuro Atoll Local Government (MALGov). A group of 25 MALGov police officers were certified with first aid recognition from the Marshall Islands Red Cross Society […]
By Journal on July 21, 2016
Alele, Angeline deBrum, Berment Lani, Huston John, Isaac Marty, James Jorimle, Junior Antolok, Kecy Benjamin, Leojen deBrum, MALGov, Melvin Majmeto, Nang Jack, Tarlos Larron
News Archive

ISAAC MARTY Five Majuro Atoll Local Government (MALGov) police officers were certified with basic computer literacy skills at Alele National Archives and Museum recently as part of the local government’s goal to establish computer systems in every police substation. The certified officers completed about two months’ training through Alele’s computer program. Sergeants James Jorimle, Huston […]
By Journal on May 19, 2016
666. seiner, Fong Seong, MALGov, Matt Holly, Pacific International Inc., Will Lathrop
News Archive

A 260-foot purse seiner ran aground oceanside on the northern reef of Majuro last Thursday, and initial efforts to pull the boat off the reef were unsuccessful. Rescue work was planned for Wednesday, but representatives of the ship company that owns the vessel requested delay until Thursday so a company official from Taiwan could fly […]
By Journal on January 22, 2016
Majuro, MALGov, Marshall Islands history
Back In The Day

Journal 1/24/1975 P1 Nakayama’s address underlines major problems facing Micronesia “What are we going to do for the people of Micronesia?” said Senate President Tosiwo Nakayama in a dramatic departure from the Kennedy standard phrasing. The question was asked during the opening week of the newly convened Sixth Congress of Micronesia in Saipan. Nakayama added […]
By Journal on January 22, 2016
drought, Ebeye, Ladie Jack, Majuro, MALGov, MWSC
Feature Articles

The drought, after teasing Majuro and Ebeye with a bit of rain in December, has put its cards on the table, and it’s a winner — if you like being thirsty and not taking showers. Reservoir levels dropped dramatically during the first three weeks of January, down by about 10 million gallons compared to mid-December. […]
By Journal on December 25, 2015
Arlington Tibon, Austen Jurelang, Betty Tibon-Imaikta, Jasper Lanki, Junior Patrick, Ladie Jack, MALGov, Randy Jack
News Archive

GIFF JOHNSON New Majuro Mayor Ladie Jack took up the reins of government at MALGov headquarters this week, following a swearing in with his executive council members by Chief Justice Carl Ingram at the High Court Tuesday. Jack said a formal inauguration and swearing in ceremony for the entire council will be held late the […]