By Journal on February 19, 2016
Jude Samson, Marshall Islands history, United Church of Christ, Youth
Back In The Day

Journal 2/22/1974 P1 Population in TT over 114,000 Census figures for the Trust Territory were released last week. As of September 18, 1973, the total Trust Territory population was 114,973. District populations: Marianas (14,335), Marshalls (25,044), Palau (12,674), Ponape (23,251), Truk (31,600) and Yap (7,869). (Note: in the early 1970s, Kosrae was administratively included as […]
By Journal on January 22, 2016
Majuro, MALGov, Marshall Islands history
Back In The Day

Journal 1/24/1975 P1 Nakayama’s address underlines major problems facing Micronesia “What are we going to do for the people of Micronesia?” said Senate President Tosiwo Nakayama in a dramatic departure from the Kennedy standard phrasing. The question was asked during the opening week of the newly convened Sixth Congress of Micronesia in Saipan. Nakayama added […]
By Journal on January 1, 2016
Bukot Nan Jesus, jepta, Kessai Note, Marshall Islands history, Marshallese history, MBC, Nitijela
Back In The Day

Journal 1/4/1974 P2 Hey! Majuro’s gone one — a real 24-hour place. Name’s Zackius’ Restaurant. Like 3am? We’re open. For the guys at the hospital, the police on patrol, the graveyard shit at the power plant and little hungry you, after late night powering, partying or dancing. P2 Micronesian float in Rose Bowl parade Micronesia […]
By Journal on October 30, 2015
Amelia Earhart, Lockheed Electra, Marshall Islands history, Marshallese history, Vincent Loomis
Back In The Day

Journal 10/12/1979 P1 Fifteen join search for Earhart plane A group of 15 individuals, some of whom support “ESP” (Earhart Search Party) tee shirts, are scheduled to depart the capital on three small vessels for what could be a history-making excursion. The Earhart reference aside, what the crew is really looking for is a plane, […]
By Journal on October 23, 2015
Marshall Islands history, Micronesian Independent
Back In The Day

Journal 10/22/1974 P1 Tribute to insincerity She slipped by quietly and without much to-do but she did come at least. It was National Port Day, a day celebrated September 30. Supposed to be a recognition of the fact that commercial ocean ports in the Trust Territory play a vital role in Micronesia’s economy, the day […]
By Journal on October 9, 2015
Marshall Islands history
Back In The Day

Journal 10/8/1976 P3 Ponape prepares for new Micro capital A Special Joint Task Force was created in Ponape to study and make recommendations as to where the site of the capital of Micronesia should be located. P6 Betel nut banned in US, Guam The traffic of betel nuts in the US is prohibited, according to […]
By Journal on October 1, 2015
Marshall Islands history
Back In The Day

Journal 10/7/1977 P1 Rosenblatt rules out independence for Micronesia US chief negotiator Peter S. Rosenblatt ruled out the possibility of more political fragmentation — and independence for any part of the territory — in a recent radio interview here. P3 Lady mechanic honored The Ponape District Legislature adopted a resolution congratulating Mershina Likor of Net […]