By Journal on July 17, 2020
Alice BUck, Amata Kabua, Anton Debrum, Billy Robers, Erakrik Samuel, George Hugil, Jenimoa Ieiato, John Bungitak, Jude Samson, Kessai Note, Larry Burton, Misao Capelle, Pijja Matauto, Ramsey Reimers, Teiwaki Kaikai, Tom Micheals
Back In The Day

Journal 7/19/1983 P4 Complete Bible translation to be celebrated The new translation of the complete Bible will be dedicated Sunday July 24 at Uliga Church. The work of more than 15 years will be dedicated at a celebration service led by the leaders of the United Church of Christ, the Roman Catholic Church, the Assembly […]
By Journal on January 12, 2018
Akio Heine, Amata Kabua, Atlan Anien, Jude Samson, Nitijela
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Journal 1/9/1981 P1 Second Nitijela session opened By Akio Heine The second Constitutional Nitijela session reconvened January 5. After Speaker Atlan Anien called for the opening of the 1981 session, Rev. Jude Samson of Uliga Protestant Memorial Church gave the invocation. Everybody then stood up and sang a hymn, “O Master Let Me Walk With […]
By Journal on March 17, 2017
Camilla Ingram, Carl Ingram, High Court, Jude Samson
Back In The Day

Journal 3/21/1975 P7 Ebeye seeks help from Congress Businessmen in Ebeye are seeking help from the Congress of Micronesia to help solve their shipping problems. According to Ebeye Chamber of Commerce president James Milne, shipments to Ebeye from Japan are now transshipped or air freighted from Majuro. “We have been asking for direct service, but […]
By Journal on February 19, 2016
Jude Samson, Marshall Islands history, United Church of Christ, Youth
Back In The Day

Journal 2/22/1974 P1 Population in TT over 114,000 Census figures for the Trust Territory were released last week. As of September 18, 1973, the total Trust Territory population was 114,973. District populations: Marianas (14,335), Marshalls (25,044), Palau (12,674), Ponape (23,251), Truk (31,600) and Yap (7,869). (Note: in the early 1970s, Kosrae was administratively included as […]