By Journal on April 18, 2024
Caroline Fisheries Corporation, Funafuti, FV Marielle, Giff Johnson, Jin Hui 18, Marko Kamber, Nivaga3, Pan Pacific Foods, Tupa Taoa, Tuvalu, Wanjun "Young" Yang, Wanjun Yang
News Archive

GIFF JOHNSON Twenty-two fishermen and one fisheries observer were rescued Sunday morning April 14 as their vessel was sinking in the South Pacific. The FV Marielle, a purse seine fishing vessel owned by the Caroline Fisheries Corporation in Micronesia, put out a distress signal Saturday night after one of its engines caught fire and the […]
By Journal on January 18, 2024
Hilary Hosia, Marshall Islands Marine Resources Authority, MIMRA, Papua New Guinea, RMI-flagged, Taiwan-flagged, tuna transshipment, Tuvalu
News Archive

Tuna transshipments in Majuro in 2023 increased over the previous year, nearly breaking the 300 mark. The year end strong with 32 transshipments in December — often a slow month, but now this past year. This included 31 transshipments to carrier vessels in the lagoon and one unloading at dock side for freezer container export. […]
By Journal on August 15, 2019
Enele Sopoaga, Hilda Heine, John Silk, Kelly Lorennij, Michael Traut, Tuvalu
News Archive

KELLY LORENNIJ The Micronesian region is transitioning to sustainable ocean transport for inter-island services, a move that is spearheaded by the Micronesian Center for Sustainable Transport that is based in the University of the South Pacific in the Marshall Islands. The Center’s Michael Traut outlined the steps that are being taken to make this transition […]
By Journal on March 9, 2018
Doreen deBrum, Federated States of Micronesia, fisheries, Kiribati, Ludwig Kumoru, Nauru, Palau, Papua New Guinea, Parties to the Nauru Agreement, PNA, Rebecca Lathrop, Republic of the Marshall Islands, Solomon Islands, Tokelau, Tuvalu, VDS, Vessel Day Scheme
Feature Articles

Eight PNA countries plus Tokelau celebrated Wednesday night with a groundbreaking ceremony for a new four-story headquarters building, set to replace the old Won Hai Shien building on Uliga Dock on Majuro. Ministers from the member countries donned helmets and vests and shoveled dirt, commemorating the event. The event was held in the lead up […]
By Journal on February 9, 2018
Brenson Wase, Cook Islands, FSM, Iris Claus, Kiribati, Nauru, Palau, Papua New Guinea, Rebecca Lathrop, Richard Neves, RMI, Solomon Islands, Tokelau, Tuvalu
News Archive

REBECCA LATHROP A workshop, “Forecasting Managing Fishing Revenues,” opened in Majuro on Monday. In his opening remarks RMI Minister of Finance Brenson Wase welcomed the group of 49 participants and stressed the importance and timeliness of the workshop. Wase pointed out that as fishing revenue has increased dramatically over the past ten years and with the […]