Photo: Geovannie Johnson.
It was all smiles Tuesday afternoon for the new engine that was generously funded by the Taiwan government and being installed by Wally Milne (standing to the right of the engine).
This boat is for Namu Atoll Local Government and will be shipped to the atoll as soon the next Shipping vessel is heading that way, according to Namu Nitijela Member Tony Asia (kneeling by the engine).
Joining to see progress on installation of the engine is Namu Acting Mayor Waikiki Lakmis (third from right), Executive Palles Anien, and Councilmen Riten Samuel, Heskey Anien and Jemton Jessi.
The group also visited the Rubar area where three other boats are awaiting arrival of new engines that have been ordered. Aiseia recognized Taiwan for funding the engines for all four boats that will be used in Namu, one each for Namu, Majkin, Loen and Mae islands.