Wally wins July tourney

Wally’s winner Marshalls Billfish Club founding member Wally Milne brought home the big one

Journal 7/11/1986

P1 Big winner, big smile Kenneth Kramer showed off the 190-pound Pacific blue marlin he caught Friday to win the Fourth Annual Marshalls Billfish Club tournament. Five marlin highlighted the two-day event. Fifteen-year-old Kenneth wowed the thousands of spectators dockside Friday when he brought in the first and largest fish of the tournament.

P1 A Marshalls first Linda Swaine, the first woman to become a health assistant, received her diploma from Health Minister Tony deBrum at last week’s graduation ceremony. With deBrum was health assistant trainer Alex Keju.

P1 Judge disappoints Bikini with big delay Bikini Mayor Tomaki Judah and Treasurer Johnny Johnson flew to Washington, DC last week with high hopes that their lawsuit against the US would move forward after two years of delay. But the July 2 hearing in the US Claims Court resulted in another postponement. Claims Court Judge Kenneth Harkins deferred the question of his jurisdiction over the case because the Compact of Free Association has not yet been put into effect. He said he would take action on the case no later than January 1, 1987.

P1 Cell block blues A Long Island youth was held in Majuro’s jail for 11 days for allegedly trying to take a chicken before he was given a hearing to set bail. Public Defender David Strauss said the police and Attorney General’s office handling of the matter was unconstitutional.

Journal 7/10/1998

P1 Big winner The But-Weiser team, captained by Bwiji Aliven, reeled in a 252-pound marlin to take first place in the billfish category of the Marshalls Billfish Club’s 16th annual July tournament. On the dock to greet Bwiji’s team was Miss Billfish Amra Paul. Other members of the team: Stanley Peter and Backson Tartious.

P1 Imata 1, Kessai 1 A standing room only audience turned out Tuesday for the first skirmish in the legal battle between President Imata Kabua and Speaker Kessai Note over voting rights on anti-gambling legislation passed in March. But the cast of onlookers was largely disappointed, as the expected fireworks between attorneys David Lowe and David Strauss only briefly materialized. It looked as if the audience would get a good show for no sooner had Judge Harold Van Voorhis announced the case number than Lowe launched into a spirited and high volume complaint against Strauss for the late filing to two motions, a development over which Lowe was none too happy. However, after a bit of discussion it was agreed that Lowe would review the motions, produce responses and the hearing would resume at 3pm the same afternoon. Before the hearing ended, Van Voorhis admonished both lawyers to “calm down.”

P1 Hawaii-based group takes over from BNL After 44 years, Brookhaven National Laboratory will conduct its final medical mission for Rongelap and Utrik in September. The Department of Energy announced late last week that the contract for the medical program has been awarded to Pacific Health Research Institute of Hawaii following a two-year process that put the program out to bid for the first time, in response to requests from the Marshall Islands.

Journal 7/10/2009

P1 Wally’s winner Marshalls Billfish Club founding member Wally Milne brought home the big one — a 368-pound marlin — in the club’s July tournament last weekend. And it was a sweet victory as Milne had only days before launched his son Damien’s new boat, Marah. Joining Milne at the dockside weigh in was Miss Billfish Rose In Ean Kabua and team members: Ranel Bajo, Alson Kelen, Ramsey Reimers, Neil Milne, and Morris Lafita.

P1 Mr MEC The Marshalls Energy Company will see its first change of command in more than 23 years, with the MEC board on Monday naming David Paul as its new general manager. MEC GM Billy Roberts is now in a 90-day transition period. Roberts has managed MEC since early 1986.


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