Journal 10/4/1985
P1 UCC rift sees new Congregational Church Saying that they are dissatisfied with the United Church of Christ’s leadership int he Marshall Islands, a group of Marshallese have established the Marshall Islands Congregational Church in Majuro. The split in the Protestant Church apparently comes as a result of disagreement over church policies. One such dispute erupted when several pastors were posted to different outer islands by Jarin Rarik Dron board headed by President Rev. Jude Samson. But the pastors reportedly refused to go, causing a rift in the church with the largest membership.
P4 Production line The Nankatsu Corporation is in full swing making katsuobushi from local skipjack. There are 43 Marshallese workers on the “assembly line” processing table where they cut fish in preparation for boiling and then smoke drying the fish. Three Japanese experts were brought in by Albattor Jamore to train the local workers.
P4 High schools active in journalism Two new newspapers are expected to be providing local readers with an enjoyable and informative mix of articles and observations here in the capital during the next nine months. Meto, a publication of Assumption High School, has already been circulated. Focus, the labor of students at Marshall Islands High School, is scheduled to be published next week. Both papers are expected to continue through on a monthly basis until the end of the school year in June.
Journal 10/3/1997
P3 Who’s selling passports? Criticism of Marshall Islands passport sales came from an unexpected source during last week Thursday’s Nitijela session — a Cabinet ministers. “We heard that the sale of passports ceased one year ago, but some people are still selling passports,” said Minister for Ratak Litokwa Tomeing asserted. The money generated from the sale of passports is for the public and people deserve to benefit from this revenue. But the people who are still selling passports are putting this money into their personal savings, Tomeing said. “These people should be prosecuted and punished,” he said. Meanwhile, Froreign Minister Phillip Muller said emphatically Monday that “not one passport has been soled since a year ago August,” and urged his Nitijela colleagues to stop “nit picking” on small issues like passports since the nation is facing many more important challenges.
P5 It’s mine Those guys from Jaluit are just different from everyone else, we have to admit it. Last week, when the Speaker asked every member of Nitijela to turn in their copy of the Commission of Inquiry report on Social Security which had mysteriously appeared on each of the senators’ desks, Jaluit Senator Alvin Jacklick was apparently the only senator to balk at the request. Said Alvin: “What’s on my table belongs to me.” Nuf sed.
Journal 10/3/2008
P1 US sees health break down A US Department of Interior report issued Friday describes health services in the Marshall Islands and other US-affiliated islands as being near a “total breakdown.” The report says Majuro hospital is not properly handling dangerous hospital wastes, medical records management remains problematic, training opportunities for staff are limited, and hemodialysis treatment is not provided despite diabetes being the number one cause of sickness in the country.
P3 Evacuation of capital urgent The capital building should be evacuated immediately, according to a special assessment conducted by Guam-based engineers who were called in to offer a second opinion on the four-story building. Foreign Minister Tony deBrum confirmed Wednesday that engineers working on the FAA-funded airport improvement project were asked to assist Public Works in its evaluation of the capital. “They gave us a bleaker outlook,” he said. “They recommended immediate evacuation for the whole building. The fourth floor was evacuated last month.
P20 Ship riders go into action It’s RMI’s first time to encounter the US Coast Guard ship called the USCG Cutter Rush 723. A new development for the RMI was having two Sea Patrol officers join the crew of the Rush. They were the first of what is expected to many more RMI law enforcement officers, known as “ship riders,” who will be sailing with the Coast Guard. The ship riders were Austen Jurelang, a vessel monitoring system officer, and Steve Graham, a radio operator.
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