Paul Paul

Can you spray that again?

Can you spray that again?

At the direction of the Chief Secretary and National Disaster Committee, the RMI EPA organized a vector team to decontaminate incoming cargo. All the mail that enters the RMI is subject to decontamination by the EPA vector team, said EPA General Manager Moriana Phillip. Mail arrives on pallets that teams spray. Then this large volume […]

EPA responds to Ebeye water problems

EPA responds to Ebeye water problems

An outbreak of diarrhea on Ebeye could be linked to the high percentage of private and public water catchments that are contaminated with E.coli (human or animal waste) or other forms of contaminants. In response to requests for assistance from authorities on Ebeye, RMI EPA laboratory technician Paul Paul went to Ebeye to conduct numerous […]

EPA lab gets US certification

EPA lab gets US certification

The RMI EPA Majuro water quality laboratory was re-certified last week to analyze drinking water under the Colilert Method and marine and other surface water samples under the Enterolert Method.  The US Freely Associated States Laboratory Certification Program issued the re-certification for a two-year term following review of the laboratory.  During the certification audit, Majuro […]