TT going, going, gone!

TT going, going, gone!

Journal 9/11/1987 P1 Patrol boat arrives on MajuroThe Marshalls has a new patrol boat that was christened September 4. President Amata Kabua gave a speech welcoming the boat. The ceremony included a christening of the Ionmeto, song and dance and refreshment for all who attended. P7 TT going, going, gone!Two-letter abbreviations assigned to the Pacific […]

Next chapter for Dr. Jean

Next chapter for Dr. Jean

Dr. Jean Phillip launched the next phase of her medical profession at the end of August with the start of her four-year residency training program at Shuang Ho Hospital in Taipei. A special ceremony was held at Shuang Ho Hospital to mark the occasion. Marshall Islands Ambassador Anjanette Kattil joined the event and congratulated Dr. […]

Students, youth urged to manage stress

Students, youth urged to manage stress

WILMER JOEL The University of the South Pacific Student Association hosted a discussion on mental health last week Friday with panelists focusing on a range of issues affecting local residents.The panel included Dr. Holden Nena from the Ministry of Health and Human Services, Pastor Lobaj Kaminaga, Director of CMI Counseling Oyinade Ogunmokun, and USP student […]

Nimo saves the day

Nimo saves the day

HILARY HOSIA A civilian was recognized in Parliament this week for his voluntary actions that helped put out a fire in Uliga this past Sunday. Minister of Natural Resources and Commerce Tony Muller, who happens to live next door to the building that was on fire and was a firsthand witness to the ordeal, praised […]

EPA passes US lab audit

EPA passes US lab audit

“Three great wins for the Marshall Islands,” is how RMI EPA General Manager Moriana Phillip described the recertification of a team of water quality laboratory staff. She listed the developments in the past few days: The annual Water Quality Audit conducted by US-based Nimbus Environmental Services representative Edna Buchan resulted in the EPA laboratory and […]

Iakwe eok Aloha Airlines

Iakwe eok Aloha Airlines

Journal 9/4/1987 P2 Thyroid problem plagues blast victimsA report published in the August 7 edition of the Journal of the American Medical Association concludes that radiation-exposed Marshallese affected by the 1954 Bikini bomb accident are experiencing more thyroid problems than originally anticipated. In addition, claims the report compiled by a physician who worked in the […]

Jaluit damage sparks Nitijela debate

Jaluit damage sparks Nitijela debate

HILARY HOSIA Despite the natural disaster that displaced 21 individuals and destroyed five homes over the weekend on the main island of Jaluit, the government is reluctant to declare state of emergency because the total damage does not meet the threshold for an emergency declaration. Jaluit Parliament Member Sonny Milne raised the issue on the […]

Liz paddles over 2,000 miles

Liz paddles over 2,000 miles

HILARY HOSIA Meet the incredible Liz Wardley — the woman who departed from Hanalei Bay in Hawaii on a rowboat and paddled more than 2,000 miles in the open ocean for 41 days before reaching the Marshall Islands over the weekend. Although her final destination was Rabaul in Papua New Guinea, where she was born, […]

Schools roll with bumpy start

Schools roll with bumpy start

The Public School System is experiencing a rough start in the beginning of the school year in regards to land disputes at Laura Elementary School. The school is reported to have vacated the school grounds due to an unpaid lease, an issue that reached discussion on the Nitjela floor Tuesday this week. Minster of Education, […]

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