Back In The Day

RMI a target for US waste

RMI a target for US waste

Journal 3/26/1982 P1 Old Gateway Hotel coming downThe old Eastern Gateway Hotel structure is going to be torn down this week one wing at a time, according to Gateway/Nauru Local Government Council Majuro Manager John Bill. Now there are only 30 rooms available for rent at the hotel’s cottages, motel and trailers. P7 High rate […]

TB, leprosy infections up

TB, leprosy infections up

Journal 3/12/1982 P1 Frequent generator problems darken capitalThe old power plant was acting like it was just about ready to give up this past week.This came just as the Tobolar copra plant generator decided to lose oil to one cylinder causing significant damage. The result has been blackouts for about 48 hours in some areas […]

Kwaj leaders join key talks

Kwaj leaders join key talks

Journal 2/26/1982 P1 Kwaj leaders join Compact talksKwajalein leaders Ataji Balos and Imada Kabua are pleased that they have been participating on Compact of Free Association talks related to Kwaj but they report no large breakthroughs in the negotiations. Balos, chairman of the board of directors of the Kwajalein Atoll Corporation, which represents the landowners, […]

MMS students buy vodka

MMS students buy vodka

Journal 2/23/1982 P1 Liktanur II calls againIf the mythical Marshallese woman Liktañur was alive today, she’d be proud of Liktañur II, the Department of Energy ship that bears her name. Liktañur II is the funny looking ship that is chartered by DOE and the Brookhaven National Laboratory to treat the 200 1954 Marshallese fallout victims […]

Businesses are unhappy

Businesses are unhappy

Journal 2/12/1982 P1 Budget contains $10.4m for MarshallsThe Marshalls will be about $10.4 million from President Reagan’s $757.6 billion 1983 budget, according to Pacific Daily News. The Marshalls figure is about six percent above that for 1982. P1 Zeder sailing through hearingsUS Compact negotiator Fred Zeder sailed through confirmation hearings by the Senate Foreign Relations […]

50 cents for first tipster

50 cents for first tipster

Journal 1/26/1982 P1 DUD Council sues to block single Majuro councilA hearing was held January 22 on a suit filed by the DUD municipal council seeking a preliminary injunction to block a Cabinet order of last August giving the DUD and Majuro (Laura) municipal councils six months to form a single new municipality. DUD’s attorney, […]

Population explosion

Population explosion

Journal 1/19/1982 P7 Kendall: Marshall Islands fully capable of self-governmentActing President Wilfred Kendall told visiting US Congressmen of the Marshalls’ “hope for true self-government in the best ideals of your own people, and that means an early end to the United Nations Trusteeship over our islands.” Later, Kendall added: “We hope you will carry back […]

Power plant a nightmare

Power plant a nightmare

Journal 1/12/1982 P6 Reiher calls power plant a nightmarePower continues to be rationed this week as one breakdown after another keeps workers jumping from problem to problem. “It’s a nightmare,” said Bernard Reiher, acting secretary of Public Works. Reiher said he installed hundreds of power plants in Vietnam and some of them were in bad […]

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