Back In The Day

Nuke study gets delayed

Nuke study gets delayed

Journal 7/10/1987 P1 2nd fish title for WallyWally Milne won the fifth annual Marshalls Billfish tournament last weekend. It was the second time Milne has taken top honors in the billfish division. He landed a 296 pound marlin. Milne received the Atjang Paul Memorial Trophy for outstanding sportsmanship and demonstrated excellence in fishing this year. […]

Majuro road nearly done

Majuro road nearly done

Journal 7/3/1987 P1 McCoy farewelledRepMar and US military brass rolled out the red carpet July 1 in a ceremony at Majuro airport marking the end of the US Trust Territory. Janet McCoy was honored as the last High Commission by President Amata Kabua, who presented her with a wood-framed presidential citation. He praised her dedication, […]

Nuclear suit vetoed in US

Nuclear suit vetoed in US

Journal 6/26/1987 P1 N-suit vetoedMarshallese nuclear claimants were handed a stunning setback when a US judge dismissed the billion dollar lawsuits last week Tuesday. US District Court Judge Thomas Hogan ruled that his court had no jurisdiction to hear the claims filed by the Marshall Islands Atomic Testing Litigation Project, which represents several thousand Marshallese. […]

News waits for the media

News waits for the media

Journal 6/19/1987 P5 RepMar eyes ties with neighborsThe Marshalls plans to soon establish diplomatic ties with four of its closest neighbors as a result of discussions held during last month’s South Pacific Forum in Western Samoa. Foreign Secretary Jiba Kabua said official contact was made with Kiribati, Tuvalu, Nauru and Western Samoa. P15 Forum meeting […]

Rice crisis hits Majuro

Rice crisis hits Majuro

Journal 6/12/1987 P3 PIC hires most youth everLater this month, 450 youth will be busy at summer jobs thanks to the Private Industry Council (PIC) which approved the jobs on Majuro, Ebeye, Kwajalein and the outer islands. It is the most ever provided by the PIC, which runs the annual summer job program. P11 MIHS […]

New tourist destination?

New tourist destination?

Journal 6/5/1987 P2 Shoplifting on riseAn increase in shoplifting has been noted by island retailer Robert Reimers Enterprises, and although some of the culprits are being apprehended by no means are all deft-of-hands being intercepted. Quite a few discarded items of clothes have been discovered of late in their Majuro downtown store, evidence that switched […]

Farewell to the Cabrals

Farewell to the Cabrals

Journal 5/29/1987 P1 Tackling suicidesIt was not long ago that nobody wanted to talk about the suicide problem in the Marshall Islands. But a workshop here last week attended by nearly 60 people showed that it is an issue that people are not just concerned with — they want to take action, too. Various ministries, […]

Iakwe to Aloha Airlines

Iakwe to Aloha Airlines

Journal 5/15/1987 P5 MCAA gradsMarie Maddison congratulated sewing and restaurant trainees who completed the Marshalls Community Action Agency-sponsored programs last week. The sewing group: Bina Enos, Dasey Konou, Alice Biranij, Ajlok Rang, Atmina Jekken, Waire Ajen, Joni Anni, Cathy Mejen, Sentina Jack, Josephin Clanton, Nejuon Morikawa and Martha Ertin. The restaurant trainee grads: Monulej Bobo, […]

WAM revives ancient art

WAM revives ancient art

Journal5/8/1987 P18 Wally’s ‘grander’ tops Jackpot Fishing DerbySports fishermen often use the term “grander” to describe a fish weighing 1,000 pounds or more. In Saturday’s Jackpot Fishing Derby, though,Wally Milne and the Lanai team pulled in a “grander” of a slightly different type. Wally’s 485 pound Pacific Blue Marlin was the highlight of the derby […]