Feature Articles

Chinilla Peter named Act Early Ambassador

Chinilla Peter named Act Early Ambassador

The Centers for Disease Control (CDC) announced this week that Chinilla Pedro Peter has been named “Act Early Ambassador” for the Marshall Islands. This program is developing a network of state-level experts to improve early identification practices. The critical importance of this network has intensified with recognition of the prenatal damage that is caused by […]

Arkansas Dream Team in Majuro

The long-awaited Constitution Day basketball dream team from Arkansas arrived in Majuro Tuesday morning. The group was serenaded with leis and hugs from the ladies from the Majuro Atoll Local Government’s Health, Education and Social Affairs Division. V7AB Radio deejay and voice of the islands William Ring broadcasted live as the team made their way into […]

Women fight back

The number of requests this year by women for protection orders from the court suggests domestic violence could be on the upswing in RMI. But improved access to legal protection may account for the upsurge in women defending themselves through the court. “Increased awareness among women about domestic violence and their right to access legal […]

Look at moi fish

A harvest of 500 pounds of “moi” (Pacific Threatfin) fish in Majuro Wednesday morning highlighted the progress this fish farming business is making to become commercially viable. “This batch is just the beginning,” said Rongelap Mayor James Matayoshi, who has spearheaded the fish farming from pilot project to commercial rollout over the past five years. […]

RMI Ambassadors Sworn In

RMI Ambassadors were sworn in April 11, 2016, by Chief Justice Carl Ingram. Watch the video by Marshall Islands Journal reporter Hilary Hosia. Tell us what you think… leave a comment!

Wase heads RMI team for JEMFAC

The mid-year Joint Economic Management and Financial Accountability Committee (JEMFAC) will meet in Majuro this Friday to review US grant funding in preparation for the annual JEMFAC meeting that usually is held in August and approves annual grant funding from the US. Leading the US delegation will be Nikolao Pula, director of the Interior Department’s […]

$11,000 raised for Fiji disaster relief

$11,000 raised for Fiji disaster relief

Over $11,000 had been raised as of Tuesday to support victims of cyclone Winston in Fiji by the RMI March for Fiji disaster relief fundraising group on Majuro. The money was accumulated from donations from companies and friends on island, a Curry Night at the Marshall Islands Resort, and a walkathon from University of the […]

Cram @ passport office

Cram @ passport office

America these days is ablaze with controversy surrounding the presidential election combat featuring billionaire Donald Trump. Here in the Marshalls, however, the blaze is fueled by that well-known word from the Bible: Exodus. Monday we factored the viability of the concrete steps at the Will Mart building on the Laura Road. First floor of the […]

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