By Journal on December 4, 2015
Dr. Riyad Mucadam, Island Eco
Feature Articles

While dozens of RMI representatives were dispatched to Paris for the two-week climate summit, the RMI’s Senior Climate Change Advisor is not among them. Oddly, too, Dr. Riyad Mucadam, the RMI’s senior climate advisor, was the only RMI government representative sent to attend the High Level Support Mechanism Meeting last month in Apia, Samoa where […]
By Journal on November 27, 2015
Cutty Wase, Dr. Hilda Heine, RMI-USP Joint Education Program, Yolanda McKay, Yolani Jerry
Feature Articles

HILARY HOSIA The RMI-USP Joint Education Program in Majuro graduated 17 students during its 19th award ceremony at the Marshall Islands Resort’s Melele Room Tuesday night. The venue was packed beyond comparison with most of the audience standing in the back through the 45-minute event. But with the lively Pacific island dance performances in between […]
By Journal on November 27, 2015
human trafficking, Jennifer Hong, Tier 3
Feature Articles

Concern about trafficking in persons was highlighted in Majuro last week by the visit of Jennifer Hong, the reports and political affairs officer at the State Department’s Office to Monitor and Combat Trafficking in Persons, based in Washington, DC. Hong, who oversees production of annual trafficking in persons reports for 19 Asia and Pacific nations, […]
By Journal on November 20, 2015
counting, RMI, RMI election
Feature Articles
Some election observers, including some in the United States, expressed surprise that the RMI is still “hand counting” votes for the 2015 national election. Yes, it’s true: hand counting has been the norm from election number one in 1979 to election number 10 this week. Given the combination of things that bedevil technology in the […]
By Journal on November 20, 2015
Dr. James Yaingeluo, Minister Phillip Muller, OIHC, Outer Island Health Center
Feature Articles

The Ministry of Health completed a refresher and updating medical course last week for its second group of outer islands health assistants this year. Ministry of Health’s Outer Islands Health Center (OIHC) concluded the two-week training for 25 health assistants bringing to 50 the number of outer islands health providers retrained in 2015. Dr. James […]
By Journal on November 12, 2015
Andreas Nef, Dr. Trudy Peterson, Elsevier Foundation, Greenpeace, Marshall Islands Nuclear Claims Tribunal, Municipal Archives of Girona Spain, SwissPeace
Feature Articles

The Marshall Islands Nuclear Claims Tribunal was established in 1988 with the mandate “to render final determination upon all claims past, present and future, of the Government, citizens and nationals of the Marshall Islands which are based on, arise out of, or are in any way related to the Nuclear Testing Program.” During its more […]
By Journal on November 12, 2015
College of Marshall Islands, Mark Halliday, PK Harmon, University of Guam, What Island
Feature Articles

“What Island,” a book of poems by former College of Marshall Islands instructor PK Harmon, is a great read for those interested in island-related thoughts. “PK Harmon meditates on the limits of the rational mind in its encounters with the mysteries of nature, chance and time,” said Mark Halliday in his foreword to the book. […]
By Journal on November 6, 2015
domestic violence, Eunice Lomwe, James Plasman, Richie Jacklick
Feature Articles
A complaint to the High Court this week by a woman seeking protection from an abusive partner is the eighth domestic violence case to seek court attention this year. The High Court has streamlined its procedure for handling domestic violence complaints. It allows a woman or man to come directly to a staff member at […]
By Journal on November 6, 2015
Bill Shuster, RMI EPA, water
Feature Articles

Is your water acidic or basic? Does it have a lot of oxygen, a little; or something in-between? What is the water temperature, is it salty, and how cloudy is it? What is the concentration of chlorophyll-containing algae floating around? The RMI EPA will start answering these questions when taking routine water samples from water […]
By Journal on October 30, 2015
dock, Ebeye, Kwajalein
Feature Articles
Ebeye’s main dock suffered serious damage in westerly storms that battered Kwajalein Atoll earlier this month. Storms over the past year had caused damage to the dock, but the storm earlier this month was the worst in recent times, as high waves repeatedly crashed into the dock. “The damage to the dock goes back a […]