News Archive

Talks aim to empower women

Talks aim to empower women

The Micronesian Women’s Conference opened Tuesday at the University of the South Pacific Conference Center in Majuro. Delegates from the RMI, Federated States of Micronesia (FSM), Kiribati, Nauru, Palau, and the US territories of the Commonwealth of the Northern Mariana Islands and Guam are meeting to identify opportunities and challenges to increase progress towards gender […]

Rubuki wins basketball clash

Rubuki wins basketball clash

ISAAC MARTY An intense basketball clash between Team Letao and Team Rubuki fired up pay-per-view-like entertainment during The Salvation Army (TSA) Fit For Life basketball tournament championship last week. Scratching, pushing, elbowing, shaking, wiggling, breaking ankles with crossover moves, attacking the basket with various offenses, and firing long range shots from downtown were a few […]

MAWC undeterred by vehicle issues

MAWC undeterred by vehicle issues

Despite two of its three garbage trucks being broken for two weeks, Majuro Atoll Waste Company continued to collect rubbish. Collection moved more slowly than usual, as MAWC had to turn to “muscle power” of its workers to pick up bins due to mechanical problems with garbage trucks. MWSC official Teliphen Neamon explained two of […]

Sophia’s kin have a blast

Sophia’s kin have a blast

A long time ago, a German trader and a Marshallese woman had a daughter named Sophia. She was known for flawless complexion and beauty. One day, Sophia accompanied her father on a business voyage to Mwoakil, an outer island in Pohnpei. There, the then Nahnmwarki (high chief) caught sight of the girl. Story has it […]

US churches help patients

US churches help patients

HILARY HOSIA United Church of Christ members from the US mainland donated bundles of blankets to newborns, patients and staff at Majuro hospital recently. The demonstration of compassion was received with smiles — even the security guard received a blanket. The team of pastors, deacons and deaconesses, committee members and significant others were in Majuro […]

CMI steps up college prep

CMI steps up college prep

ISAAC MARTY A College of the Marshall Islands “Accelerated Program” to reduce the number of students in the developmental level has shown positive results as a majority of 40 enrolled students passed the summer mid-term test recently. The purpose of the new program is “to get them (students) up very quickly,” said CMI Executive Advisor […]

Patrick: We need action

Patrick: We need action

HILARY HOSIA Here are a few highlights from this week’s Committee of the Whole session from the ongoing Constitutional Convention at the International Conference Center. • Majuro Delegate Yolanda Lodge-Ned wants to prevent candidates with felony charges in their history from running for Nitijela, adding that the current law allows felons who did time to […]

RMI tackles health problems

RMI tackles health problems

ISAAC MARTY The number one killer of Marshallese is non-communicable diseases (NCDs). Existing prevention programs trying to halt or curve the NCD trend now have question marks hanging over them. Are they doing a good job? The best answer is that authorities need information in order to evaluate both NCD levels and response programs. For […]

Czech Republic opens local office

Czech Republic opens local office

KAREN EARNSHAW Pacific International Inc.’s Chief Executive Officer Jerry Kramer is the new the Honorary Consul for the Czech Republic, lifting the number of Honorary Consuls in the Marshall Islands to seven. The Czech Ambassador to the Marshall Islands Jaroslav Olsa, Jr. was in town and met with President Hilda Heine and attended the opening […]