Journal 4/20/1982
P3 Ebeye group in Majuro A group from the Ebeye Catholic Women’s Club is presently in Majuro visiting the Majuro Catholic Women’s Club. The group is headed by Fr. Leonard Hacker, SJ.
P7 Classifieds ARE YOU AFRAID of people like Ron Reagan, Haig (the man, not the drink!) and Thatcher? If so join the underground preparedness group with your own gas mask. Masks with around the head straps by Gucci available at Micronitor Copy Cat Service. $10.00; COPRA CAKE See Selvenios in Delap; NEWSPRINT for wrapping and packing. 30 nets per pound, available at the Journal; FOR SALE Masda Pickup truck in excellent condition. Contact: Litokwa T.
P8 Softball Naama of Nine-to-Five connected on a pitch to bring Josepha, who was walked earlier, home from third. MIHS gave up too many walks in the inning to catch up to Nine-to-Five. The score was 13-5 by the end of the third inning. First base ref was Jurelang Zed, and many thanks to scorer and third base ref Hemley Benjamin for helping on names. Schedule: 4/20 Rough Riders v Rita Youth; 4/21 Rainbows v S-Et-Kin; 4/23 Leading Star v Rainbows.
P14 Marshallese residing in US register to vote Now for the first time, some Marshallese in the United States will be able to vote by absentee ballot. Assistant Electoral Officer Joseph Horlang arrived in the US March 1 to register voters to vote in the Con-Con and the general election in 1995. Jorlang visited communities where at least 20 Marshallese reside. Over 40 people registered during his stops in Phoenix, Arizona and Salt Lake City, Utah the first week of March. A one-day stop in San Diego, California brought in more than 30 registered voters. The trip concluded in Orange County, California where closet to 100 people registered. Majority of Marshallese in the US reside in Orange County.
P14: Hawks aim to ground Jets in basketball tourney Majuro’s current wave of basketball fever will get treated to a dose of three point shots, rebounds, and free throws when eight teams tangle in the scone annual Continental Micronesia Invitational Basketball Tournament next month. The double elimination tourney will be held May 12-16, said Continental station manager Betwel Lekka. In last year’s tournament, the Golden Jets came back after losing to the Hawks to upend the Hawks for the championship. The Hawks are picked as the team to beat in this year’s tournament. Brand-X, SDA, Delap Vice, CMI, Rebels and the Filipino team round out the competition.
Journal 4/22/2005
P1 TRC: Women can hold title of alab The Traditional Rights Court has confirmed that women can be slabs (clan heads) under Marshallese custom. The ruling was issued late last week in a case that had for the first time challenged the right of women to hold this powerful traditional title. “Thee is oohing under our custom preventing a female from becoming an alab or dri jerbal on their own lands,” the TRC said. The case involved a title dispute on Kwajalein Atoll for the wetos of Muinluial, Monjelar, Lodrenaj, Taukan, Aronuij, Lau, Akadrikien, Kamarre and Oble and Nukne Island.
P11 Wiz-wow We’ll go weeks, even months, not much to do in this town, the kids complaining about being “boring.” Then it’s bam, bam, bam — so much, you’re almost tired of weekend events. In the past couple of weeks, we’ve had the SDA carnival, the Assumption carnival, last weekend’s big bash with the Rockzenmaan gang. It’s still coming on strong. This weekend, it’s Assumption High School’s International Night Friday and Saturday.
P13 State banquet for Chen Taiwan President Chen Shui-bian will speak to a special session of Nitijela shortly before participating in the 26th annual Constitution Day celebrations outside the capital building Monday, May 2.
P28 Honored Three cheers go to RMI’s Henry Peter, Milan Edward, Hevlen Riklon, Max Brechtefeld and Bobby Lomae for all graduating this week from the University of the South Pacific in Suva.