Exhibit showcases local artists

US Ambassador Roxanne Cabral speaks to students from various Majuro high schools during an art exhibit she hosted at her residence recently. Photo: Giff Johnson.

The US Embassy hosted an art exhibition at the Ambassador’s residence earlier this month, an event that brought together students from four Majuro high schools with NGOs Jo-Jikum and Waan Aelon in Majel.

The students viewed both locally made works of art that were displayed in the outdoor ground floor deck area under the main residence as well as numerous paintings in Ambassador Roxanne Cabral’s residence. The latter paintings are part of the Art in Embassies Exhibition that features many art works in US embassies and ambassadors’ residences throughout the world.

Waan Aelon in Majel wood carver and boat builder Isocker Anwell was on site and working on a wood carving of the US State Department’s logo that the embassy contracted the non-profit group to produce.

During the event, Ambassador Cabral announced that the embassy is providing a $15,000 grant to Jo-Jikum for a project related to honoring legends of Majuro by developing information that will be used to publicly mark the locations of these stories.
Students from Marshall Islands High School, Majuro Cooperative High School, Seventh Day Adventist High School and Rita Christian High School participated in the event.


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