The Ministry of Health and Human Services reached a milestone over the weekend following an historic graduation of 12 nurse practitioners from the Fiji National University (FNU) at the International Conference Center in Majuro — the first time FNU held a commencement ceremony outside its Fiji campus.
FNU Chancellor Ikbal Janiff said the graduation is testament of FNU’s commitment to strengthening education and partnerships in the Pacific region.
Janiff also highlighted the late Freddy Langrine, who joined the program back in 2016 and later passed away. “He is probably smiling down and congratulating each of you,” Janiff told the graduates.
Janiff and MOHHS Minister Kalani Kaneko repeatedly commended Russell Edwards, the brainchild of the two-year intensive program.
Edwards played a vital part in initiating the process that led to a memorandum of understanding between MOHHS, FNU and Pacific Island Health Officers Association back when he was a health planner at the hospital.
Before Kaneko and Janiff exchanged gifts on the podium, Kaneko urged politicians to equip the group with what they need in order to fulfill their tasks.
Read more about this in the June 15, 2018 edition of the Marshall Islands Journal.