Graduation highlights around RMI

t the SDA High School’s graduation ceremony at the Delap school, Abigail Zedkaia showed the high spirit of the occasion by dancing up to get her diploma. Photo: Chewy Lin.

Graduation dominoes keep falling: The end of May it was Majuro Coop School,
Assumption and SDA on consecutive days.

Then a brief lull before the public schools launched, with Kwajalein Atoll High School Monday, Marshall Islands High School Tuesday and Laura High School Wednesday this week.
These events “sandwiched” another set of graduations at Kwajalein Atoll.

The College of the Marshall Islands’s Distance Education Center on Ebeye held its graduation last week for both CMI and Adult Basic Education graduates. The event was attended by Iroojlaplap Mike Kabua, KALGov Mayor Hirata Kabua, Minister Kitlang Kabua along with a delegation from CMI’s main campus in Uliga.

A packed crowd was there to witness the event held at the Wilmer Bolkeim Community Center on Ebeye, as families and friends had eagerly anticipated the day. A total of 18 high school equivalency diplomas, and four associates degrees were handed out.

A formal dinner was held by the graduates with their parents, to show their appreciation for all their hard work and getting them to that stage in life. Most evident was their pledge to continue on with their studies, and to seek higher education.

CMI then joined with NTA to unveil and bless the new NTA communications tower and opening of the new CMI Distant Education Center on Santo (Ennibur) Island. The local population went all out for the occasion last Thursday by greeting the incoming VIPs — led by Iroojlaplap Mike Kabua — with singing and a special honor guard salute.

Welcoming remarks were given by Irooj Laninaur Kabua, and a special congratulatory message to the people of Ennibur for the opening of the new center. Minister Kitlang, Mayor Hirata, President Irene Taafaki and NTA’s new HR Director Romeo Alfred also spoke.

The opening of CMI’s new center is a first for the people of Ennibur, who found it difficult to travel back and forth to Ebeye to further their education while working on nearby Roi-Namur. The opening of the tower and education center offers new easy-to-access educational opportunities.

A short demonstration was provided as CMI President Taafaki, who held a Zoom conference from the Santo site with Executive Vice President William Reiher at Uliga campus and the rest of the distance education centers on Jaluit, Wotje, and Kili.

“The opening of the Santo center also aligns with the RMI National Strategic Plan 2020-2030 in its statement on Social Justice to prioritize disadvantaged and marginalized neighboring island communities for development,” said CMI in a release.


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