New record set for RMI

Journal 12/27/1985

P4 Guinness Record from Marshall Islands Everyone has faced a pressing deadline before, and around a newspaper deadlines are a fact of life — although when the certainty of a power outage is hanging over you, it tends to make the blood pressure rise faster as the minute stick off a countdown to the cutoff hour. And so it was last week when Public Works announced it would be turning off electricity at 9:30 in the. Morning on Thursday, our day for putting the paper “to bed,” as the saying goes in journalese. At times it seems that the only thing that does run on time around here is power outages. Had it been just 15 minutes behind schedule, an interesting bit of trivia would have found its way into the Journal. But a kun jarom tends to wreck havoc with technology: our discs are wiped clean if we don’t judge the time correctly, and. Our fingers stopped in mid-flight as all this advanced technology just yawns at us —± perhaps grateful for a break the outage provides. On Thanksgiving Day, while you might have been having a family dinner with turkey and ham, trout with the “boys” drinking a beer, or just putting your feet up and watching a rerun, an event certainly worthy of enshrinement in the Guinness Book of World Records was taking place right here in the Marshall Islands. On that fateful day, while most of the Marshalls was enjoying a holiday, four newspapers were published on the same day. That’s right, four. Micronitor cannot take credit for all, but it can claim to have published 75 percent. The first off the press was the Marshall Islands High School Focus, followed closely by Assumption High School’s Ri-Meto. The last off the press that evening was the Journal. The fourth you ask? Why the Kwajalein Hourglass published by the missile range.

P16 Majuro outruns Kiribati It was a run and gun contest from tipoff, with the Majuro national team using a superior inside game and running its fast break  to perfection to defeat Kiribati 104-71 on Saturday. The Kiribati team never let down, but they were no match for Majuro’s Vincent Tani and Hackney Wase who pulled down 36 rebounds together, and combined for 47 points.

Journal 12/26/1997

P1 Witten wrangles a deal After months of confrontations, disagreements, and ultimatums, landowners and government officials reached agreement late last week on a long-term lease for Majuro airport. “I give a lot of credit to the landowners and the government,” said landowner attorney Witten Philippo who helped to maneuver the two sides to a settlement. “It was a very difficult situation, but both sides were willing to compromise.”

P6 You don’t say? Everyone uses computers, right? That doesn’t mean we all know what we’d doing. Take the following, which appeared in the Wall Street Journal: Compaq computer company is considering changing the command “Press Any Key” to “Press Return Key” because of a flood of calls asking where the “Any” key is; An exasperated caller to Dell Computer Tech Support couldn’t get her new Dell computer to turn on. After ensuring the computer was plugged, the technician asked her what happened Shen she pushed the power button. Her response was: “I pushed and pushed on this foot pedal and nothing happens.” The “foot pedal” turned out to the the computer mouse. 

P18 Merry Christmas Majuro’s annual Chamber of Commerce Christmas parade went from Rita to Laura on Saturday, a week delayed by Typhoon Paka, but nonetheless enjoyed by all the kids who scarfed up nearly 3,000 pounds of candy on the route.

P22 Basketball training Since early October, a group of about 15 local basketball players has been training at the Delap gym in preparation for the Micro Games in Palau next August. Robert Pinho challenged a shot by Sherwood Tibon and Coach Rusin Abraham explained a defensive drill to the players were among things our Journal reporter noted during a brief view of the practice. 

Journal 12/26/2008

P12 Jack Spielberg Majuro is the location for an under-production movie, the second time in recent years such a function has been undertaken. Word on the “ial” is that director-writer-cameraman Jack Spielberg has cobbled together a number of local acting aspirants in an exercise tailored to inspire enjoyment and reward creativity. Majuro is blessed that at least some semblance of creativity is afoot, especially since the unfortunate departure of the mainstay of the Yakuza Theater group, which operated out of the Marshall Islands Club. Dramas such as Dracula and Harvey were performed live and thus were difficult to appreciate by newcomers. But a movie production gives the added option of replay, presenting a more permanent record of the action. A much appreciated documentary movie set in Majuro was “Morning Comes So Soon, which was shown locally and in Honolulu to rave reviews. This new moving venture by Spielberg intertwines the character of a Marshallese “Noniep” and proceeds to wend a tale that’s tailored to the locality.


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