By Journal on November 26, 2020
Air Marshall Islands, Covid, Giff Johnson, The Office of the Chief Secretary
News Archive

The RMI government through Air Marshall Islands is chartering a Fiji Airways aircraft to bring in 49 people from Fiji this Friday. The Office of the Chief Secretary (OCS) said the purpose of the flight is to bring in workers essential to the Covid-19 response. This includes health care workers (destined for Majuro and Ebeye), […]
By Journal on May 14, 2020
Air Marshall Islands, Drauna Waqasokolala, FSM, Giff Johnson
News Archive

GIFF JOHNSON RMI government authorities are making special arrangements for Guam-based couriers to bring an overdue delivery of cash for local banks and, separately, for a handful of Marshallese stranded in Pohnpei to return to Majuro. Although planning has progressed, it is unclear if either of these initiatives will happen, based on: • The reluctance […]
By Journal on September 27, 2019
Air Marshall Islands, KAJUR, M&D Fishing, Marshall Islands Development Bank, Marshalls Energy Company, tobolar
Back In The Day

Journal 10/1/1982 P1 Kwajalein talks underway in Washington No substantive word has been received here concerning the talks in Washington, DC on Kwajalein and other issues related to a compact of free association between the United States and the Marshall Islands. Kwajalein Atoll Corporation lawyer George Allen told JAC publicist Nancy Von earlier today that […]
By Journal on January 31, 2019
Air Marshall Islands, AMI, pilot test
Feature Articles

A total of 77 men and women signed up to take an Air Marshall Islands pilot test. The national airline recently issued a public call for local residents interested to take up a pilot training opportunity.
By Journal on December 14, 2018
Air Marshall Islands, longliner, tuna
Back In The Day

Journal 12/17/1981 P1 $4 Billion Radiation victims sue laboratories: More than 4,000 Marshall Islanders have file a $4 billion suit against several nuclear science and weapons laboratories, claiming they were negligent in caring for the islanders during nuclear tests in the 1950s, according to a UPI story in the Pacific Daily News. The suit was […]
By Journal on September 21, 2018
Air Marshall Islands, cocaine
Back In The Day

Journal 9/25/1981 P1 Reagan approves Compact US President Ronald Reagan approved the draft Compact of Free Association September 22, according to a special radio broadcast by President Amata Kabua. Government sources said Scott Stege, Trust Territory liaison officer on Kwajalein, phoned with the news.
By Journal on August 16, 2018
Air Marshall Islands, Lae Atoll
News Archive

The regularity of Air Marshall Islands flights to the outer islands has dramatically improved over the past two years. The improvements show in airline and airport statistics. In the second quarter of FY2018 (January-March), 1,819 domestic passenger arrivals were counted at Amata Kabua International Airport in Majuro. This is nearly 50 percent above the number […]
By Journal on July 6, 2018
Air Marshall Islands, Majuro
Back In The Day

Journal 7/3/1981 P11 It’s time to pay The Department of Public Works has set July 31 as the date for settlement of all past due utility bills. The Department said it will disconnect all houses with delinquent accounts after July 31. The announcement pointed out that the public owes the department $360,000. P11 Speaker visits […]
By Journal on April 27, 2018
Air Marshall Islands, AMI, Erron Driver
Back In The Day

Journal 4/24/1981 P1 Govt seeks FAA registration for AMI aircraft Minister for Resources and Development Kessai Note, accompanied by Marshalls Attorney General Wayne Kidwell, left Majuro April 22 for Hawaii where they will meet with Federal Aviation Administration officials concerning registration of Airline of the Marshall Islands aircraft. The two government representatives will also be […]
By Journal on December 29, 2017
Air Marshall Islands, DC-8, Jim Brom, Marshall Islands Development Authority
Back In The Day

Journal 12/28/1973 P1 Why should Micronesia suffer? Senator John Mangefel of Yap feels that Micronesia should not be able to suffer because of US policies over which it has no control. Citing the current fuel crisis, which is affecting Micronesia along with many parts of the world including the United States, the Senator asked: “Why […]