By Journal on September 1, 2022
1985, Auditor General, Back in the Day, DUD, DUD Municipal Council to court, High Court, Kessai Note, Laura, Majuro Atoll Local Government, mismanagement
Back In The Day

Journal 9/6/1985 P1 DUD shuns RepMar audit RepMar is taking the DUD Municipal Council to court because the local government has refused to open its books to government auditors. Earlier in the summer, Minister Kessai Note directed the Auditor General to inspect the DUD Council’s books as a precursor to joining the Laura and DUD […]
By Journal on March 4, 2022
Auditor General, Back in the Day, MISSA funds, Social Security funds
Back In The Day

Journal 3/8/1985 P1 Rongelap wants US help to make evacuation humane Plans for the imminent evacuation of Rongelap Atoll are moving ahead, said Senator Jeton Anjain, who returned from the atoll last week. He will lead a delegation of people to Washington, DC next week where they will restate their earlier request for US Congressional […]
By Journal on August 24, 2017
Auditor General, corruption, Forgeries, Forgery, Fraud, Hotline, Junior Patrick, Procurement Code
News Archive

Forty-four complaints of illegal actions on the part of government workers and officials have been lodged with the Auditor General’s office over the past two years. In his latest report to Nitijela, issued last week, RMI Auditor General Junior Patrick said his office received “13 new allegations related to bribery in official matters, check forgeries, […]
By Journal on February 24, 2017
Auditor General, Kwajalein, Majuro, RMI
Back In The Day

Journal 2/28/1975 P9 Boat reefed A Korean fishing boat reefed near Majuro airport earlier this month and apparently will be a permanent fixture. While rumors abound on the reason for the accident, the most persistent one seems to be that the captain mis-took the airport lights for the pass entrance. There were over 20 tons […]
By Journal on November 12, 2015
anti-corruption, Auditor General, Jaston Anjain, Junior Patrick, United Nation's Convention Against Corruption
News Archive

The RMI government wants to ramp up anti-corruption efforts here, a member of the Auditor General’s office told a global meeting last week in Europe. Full engagement with the United Nations Convention Against Corruption (UNCAC) and its country review process has helped to develop the Marshall Islands government’s anti-corruption program, one of the nation’s UNCAC […]