By Journal on September 23, 2022
1985, Back in the Day, Compact of Free Association, House-Senate amendments, Micronesia, Reagan
Back In The Day

Journal 9/27/1985 P1 Reagan slams new Compact for giving Marshalls too much There will be no Compact of Free Association by the much publicized October 1 deadline. It has been put on hold by the Reagan administration, which now strongly objects to the planned House-Senate amendments, which give the Micronesians too much. It is the […]
By Journal on June 23, 2022
Compact of Free Association, Courtesy of Ministry of Foreign Affairs and Trade., First round, Giff Johnson, Joe Biden, Joseph Yun, Kenneth Kedi, Kitlang kabua, Kwajalein US Army base, United Nation Trust Territory of the US
News Archive

GIFF JOHNSON United States and Marshall Islands leaders said after completing the first round of talks last week that they hope to complete negotiations to renew provisions of an economic and security treaty by the end of this year or early next year. Washington sees extension of funding packages under compacts of free association with […]
By Journal on June 16, 2022
Compact of Free Association, Covid, David Kabua, Donald Trump, FSM, Hilda Hiene, Jessica Dambruch, Joe Biden, Joseph Yun, Keone Nakoa, Kitlang kabua, Mike Pompeo, Palau, Pohnpei, Roxanne Cabral, US Army, US Marine Crops
News Archive

GIFF JOHNSON Nearly three years after the first in-person preliminary discussions were held between the US and the Marshall Islands for a third funding agreement in the Compact, negotiations resumed again this week with a two-day meeting at Kwajalein. The negotiations stalled after these first discussions were held in Pohnpei between President Trump’s Secretary of […]
By Journal on March 3, 2022
Amata Radewagen, cmi, Compact of Free Association, David Kabua, Dina Titus, Ed Markey, Judy Chu, Katie Porter, Kenneth Kedi, Kili Bikini Ejit Community, Maynard Alfred, Mazie Hirono, Nuclear Victims Remembrance Day, Oronia Kinono, Pijja Matauto, Roxanne Cabral, United States.
News Archive

WILMER JOEL For nearly 30 years the Marshallese people and government have commemorated March 1 as Nuclear Victims Remembrance Day, an event to remember the horrors, memories, and injustice as a result of 67 nuclear testing by the United States. “Let today not be a time of shaming one another,” said Nitijela Speaker Kenneth Kedi […]
By Journal on February 24, 2022
Compact of Free Association, Education week 2022, Eniburr (Santo) High School, Jaluit High School, Jeopardy Competition, Kwajalein Atoll High School, Majuro Baptist Christian Academy, Majuro Cooperative High, Merv Griffin, Northern Islands High School, Public School System, Seventh Day Adventist High, US Embassy, Wilmer Joel
News Archive

WILMER JOEL Jaluit High School became the first outer island high school to win the coveted Jeopardy competition — defeating three private schools to win the title for Education Week.The competition was originally the brainchild of the US Embassy late last year when it hosted the first Jeopardy game in the Marshall Islands focused on […]
By Journal on February 4, 2022
1985, Back in the Day, Compact of Free Association, Guam, Reagan Administration
Back In The Day

Journal 2-8-1985 P1 Reagan anticipates Compact The Reagan administration has cut $98 million out of its territories budget request for fiscal year 1986 in anticipation that the Congress will approve the Compact of Free Association. P2 MIHS Honor Roll First semester seniors: Runiston Gideon, George Hitchfield, Jibella Lamille, Helmer Lang, Jimmy Langley and Clena Pero. […]
By Journal on December 2, 2021
Compact of Free Association, Giff Johnson, RAND Corporation, US Defense Department, US-China, US-FAS, US-RMI
News Archive

GIFF JOHNSONEditorial comment The United States is a clear but unfocused partner of the Marshall Islands. “Unfocused” in contrast to China, its primary competitor in the region. On the one hand, there are countless US Congress people and administration officials jumping up and down about the increasing importance of the “Indo-Pacific” region (by the way, […]
By Journal on November 11, 2021
Amata Kabua, Bennett Johnston, Compact of Free Association, full faith and credit, Henry Jackson, James McClure, United Nations General Assembly
News Archive

GIFF JOHNSON Nitijela endorsed the importance of the “full faith and credit” provision in the first Compact of Free Association in adopting Resolution 48 last Thursday. The resolution requests the RMI’s Compact Negotiation Team through the Cabinet to request reinstatement of the full faith and credit provision in the Compact with the US government. The […]
By Journal on October 28, 2021
Amata Kabua, Brenson Wase, Casten Nemra, Compact of Free Association, David Kabua, Dexter Jikit, Junior Aini, Mike Kabua, Roxanne Cabral, Wilmer Joel
News Archive

The US Embassy and the Ministry of Foreign Affairs combined to put on a celebration of the 35th anniversary of the Compact of Free Association last Thursday in Majuro. The gala event featured a color guard by American Legion Post 22, the RMI and US national anthems sung by Jenny Aiseia and Fern Stege, respectively, […]
By Journal on July 1, 2021
Compact of Free Association, Fong Eu, money abuse
Back In The Day

Journal 7/6/2984 P3 Robot dancing competition The big disco robot competition at Marshall Islands High School drew hundreds of fans to watch the Kamikazi team from Rita take top honors. Popping into second place was the Ebeye Street Breakers and following them closely was the King of Eagles. Miss Robot, the only girls popping team, […]