
TRC solves Delap dispute

TRC solves Delap dispute

GIFF JOHNSON The Traditional Rights Court has issued an opinion on a long-contested piece of property in the Delap area of Majuro. The three-judge TRC panel issued its opinion late last month concerning Lokejbar weto (land parcel) in Delap, saying that portions of this weto are shared among Aqua Patrick, Quincy Calep and Noah Noah. […]

Postal vote appeal denied

Postal vote appeal denied

GIFF JOHNSON The question of whether off-island Marshallese would get to vote through some absentee ballot procedure was laid to rest Tuesday this week when the RMI Supreme Court rejected an “emergency motion for rehearing/reconsideration” of the Supreme Court’s decision in early October. The earlier opinion said although Nitijela Law 2016-28 is unconstitutional by eliminating […]

Parents fined for children’s crimes

Parents fined for children’s crimes

Journal 12/19/1975 P1 Spy ship off Kwajalein A Russian spy ship is cruising just offshore of a secret US missile testing range in Micronesia. The ship is attempting to monitor US top-secret defenses against atomic attack, according to United Press International. A new missile system, called Safeguard, is now being tested at Kwajalein. One Kwajalein […]

Women fight back

The number of requests this year by women for protection orders from the court suggests domestic violence could be on the upswing in RMI. But improved access to legal protection may account for the upsurge in women defending themselves through the court. “Increased awareness among women about domestic violence and their right to access legal […]