Fred Pedro

Chess gets boost

Chess gets boost

HILARY HOSIA The establishment of the first ever Marshall Islands Chess Federation may take place within the year, thanks largely to the influence of world-renowned Chess Grandmaster Nigel Short who visited Majuro last week. Nigel is confident the Marshall Islands Chess Federation will be fully chartered by September this year, if the local actors do […]

Bwiji, Ronnie vie for Cup

Bwiji, Ronnie vie for Cup

Journal 7/5/1983 P1 Are you registered to vote? Voter registration is now open for the 7 September plebiscite on the Compact of Free Association and the November Nitijela elections. Chief Electoral Officer Shiro Riklon said there are about 12,000 voters presently registered. He estimates there are 2,000 to 3,000 eligible voters who are not registered. […]