Majuro Taxi Drivers Association

Taxis criticized for rate hike

Taxis criticized for rate hike

WILMER JOEL The Majuro Taxi Drivers Association was accused last week by EPPSO director Fred deBrum of violating the Retail Price Monitoring Act of 1992 by increasing taxi fares over the 25 percent price baseline. “What the taxi drivers did, they instantly went up to 30 some percent,” said deBrum. “They told me the reason […]

Taxi drivers get organized

Taxi drivers get organized

WILMER JOEL The Majuro Taxi Drivers Association made history in late April by holding a momentous ceremony for the inauguration of their newly elected officers at the Chiyaya Anmontha Park in Jenrok. It was the first time for the association to do this in the 50 years since its establishment and it produced attendance of […]