Wase heads RMI team for JEMFAC

The mid-year Joint Economic Management and Financial Accountability Committee (JEMFAC) will meet in Majuro this Friday to review US grant funding in preparation for the annual JEMFAC meeting that usually is held in August and approves annual grant funding from the US. Leading the US delegation will be Nikolao Pula, director of the Interior Department’s […]

RMI Auditor needs more help

The Auditor General’s office has increased the number of people working but is still significantly short of its goal of 21 people needed to deliver financial and performance audit, and investigate corruption and fraud. It now has 15 staff on board. In Auditor General Junior Patrick’s report to Nitijela that accompanied delivery of multiple completed […]

Mattie wins silver in Reno

Mattie wins silver in Reno

Marshall Islands weightlifter Mathlynn “Mattie” Sasser made history for the RMI at the American Open earlier this month, beating 64 of the best women weightlifters in the US to win a silver medal, while breaking an Oceania Junior record that has stood for 14 years. Marshall Islands Weightlifting Federation’s (MIWLF) national lifters Sasser and Kabuati […]

Machine counting? What’s the rush…

Some election observers, including some in the United States, expressed surprise that the RMI is still “hand counting” votes for the 2015 national election. Yes, it’s true: hand counting has been the norm from election number one in 1979 to election number 10 this week. Given the combination of things that bedevil technology in the […]