By Journal on April 21, 2022
150 birds, Boken, Boketoona, Chewy Lin, Eroj Island, Iva Reimers-Roberto, Micronesian Imperial Pigeon, Ministry of Natural Resources and Commerce, rat eradication, SPREP
News Archive

Eroj Island on the north side of Majuro is the focus of a rat eradication initiative by the Ministry of Natural Resources and Commerce. An NRC team descended on the small island earlier this month to launch a battle against invasive rats on the uninhabited island. The work to eradicate rats on Eroj will help […]
By Journal on June 15, 2017
Amatlain Kabua, David Kramer, Denise deBrum-Reiher, FSM, Makereta Kimai, SPREP, Tony Talouli, UN Oceans Conference, World War II, WWII shipwrecks
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MAKERETA KIMAI, PACNEWS Editor at last week’s UN Oceans Conference A number of Pacific leaders used last week’s UN Oceans Conference to bring global attention to nuclear contamination and World War Two wrecks that have become environment hazards. Federated States of Micronesia and the Marshall Islands led the charge in highlighting what they call ‘real […]
By Journal on April 6, 2017
Benedict Yamamura, Bryant Zebedy, Glen Joseph, Johnty Erra, Kilom Ishiguro, Malynn Andrew, Mayoli Maddison, MIMRA, National Oceans Symposium, Noah Idechong, SPREP
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Hundreds of people from all walks of life — national and local elected leaders, teachers, students, non-government groups and off-island visitors — attended this week’s three-day, first-ever National Oceans Symposium that put big picture issues about fisheries, ocean conservation, sustainability and climate on the table for talk and action. MIMRA Director Glen Joseph said the […]
By Journal on October 27, 2016
Amata Kabua, environment, Hilary Hosia, Hilda Heine, SPREP
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HILARY HOSIA “In recognition of the new world order, which calls for all nations to take responsibility for their environmental impacts, and to cooperate in finding global solutions to global problems, our nation presents this document as an affirmation of its commitment to integrating the principals of sustainable development into national policy. As a nation […]