By Journal on October 25, 2024
Compact of Free Association, Fr. Francis X. Hezel, Trust Territory
Back In The Day

Journal 10/30/1987 P1 Back to TT ‘pork barrel’ daysIs there something that legislators, magistrates and other elected officials in Micronesia see that the rest of us are missing? This may explain why many of those charged with overseeing development funds under the Compact are busily appropriating this money for seawalls, community houses, docks and other […]
By Journal on September 13, 2024
FSM, Northern Mariana Islands, Palau, RMI, Trust Territory, TT - Trust Territory, USPS
Back In The Day

Journal 9/11/1987 P1 Patrol boat arrives on MajuroThe Marshalls has a new patrol boat that was christened September 4. President Amata Kabua gave a speech welcoming the boat. The ceremony included a christening of the Ionmeto, song and dance and refreshment for all who attended. P7 TT going, going, gone!Two-letter abbreviations assigned to the Pacific […]
By Journal on October 15, 2021
Anju Jejjon, Bulova School of Watchmaking, Kusaie, Majuro, training course, Trust Territory, watchmakers
Back In The Day

Journal 10/15/1973 P1 Marshall Islands museum nears completion A sprawling gray structure with a yellow-green roof, supported one story off the ground by concrete posts, and with the heavy, blank look that only unpainted concrete can have — this is the new Marshall Islands museum as it nears completion at its site near Uliga Protestant […]
By Journal on December 2, 2016
Sasauo Haruo, shipping, Trust Territory, TT
Back In The Day

Journal 12/3/1974 P1 Shipping in TT marked by neglect After completing a 24-day survey of shipping services and port facilities through Micronesia last week, Truk Representative Sasauo Haruo said, “neglect, a lack of funds and misplaced priorities” by the Trust Territory and US government have resulted in “an obsolete fleet, generally inadequate port facilities, and […]
By Journal on January 15, 2016
Bikini, Carl Hacker, cmi, dark, Peace Corps, power, Trust Territory
Back In The Day

Journal 1/18/1974 P1 The Peace Corps, good or bad? Late in 1966, an invasion, since then compared to that of the US Marines 22 years earlier, was launched by the US Peace Corps in the Trust Territory. Less than one year later, over 700 volunteers, a greater concentration than in any other area in the […]