By Journal on December 30, 2016
fishing days, Giff Johnson, Glen Joseph, Koo's, MIMRA, PNA, tuna
News Archive

GIFF JOHNSON MIMRA looks set to pull in over $24 million from purse seine fishing in 2017 — its highest total ever. MIMRA Director Glen Joseph said nearly all of its fishing days for next year under the Parties to the Nauru Agreement’s vessel day scheme have been sold. This is anticipated to generate $23.9 […]
By Journal on November 11, 2016
FAD, FIMS, fishery, Herman Kisokau, Ludwig Kumoru, Patricia Jack, PNA, tuna, VDS
News Archive

How do you manage a multi-billion dollar fishery in nine distinct fishing zones with multiple nations fishing? Five years ago, it was mostly done with a hand calculator and pencil, and by transmitting data by email or fax. Today, the fishery that is generating $400 million a year to nine Pacific islands is managed by […]
By Journal on October 13, 2016
Majuro, Maurice Brownjohn, PNA, transshipment, tuna
News Archive

Majuro is the busiest tuna transshipment port in the world. As much as 600,000 tons of tuna is now being off-loaded from purse seiners to carrier vessels a year, Parties to the Nauru Agreement Commercial Manager Maurice Brownjohn told a workshop in Majuro Monday. About 1.7 million tons of skipjack is caught in PNA waters […]
By Journal on October 13, 2016
canning, Chris Bourne, Food Stream, KMI, Ludwig Kumoru, OCI, PNA, tuna
News Archive

The first regional training for small-scale tuna canning entrepreneurs in the Pacific started Monday in Majuro. The training aims to certify prospective canners so that commercial tuna canning operations can be successfully launched in several island member nations of the Parties to the Nauru Agreement (PNA). PNA CEO Ludwig Kumoru told participants from RMI, Papua […]
By Journal on May 27, 2016
american, fishing, FV Ocean Challenger, FV Ocean Conquest, FV Ocean Expedition, FV Sea Trader, George Lanwi, Mark Guidi, Mike Baker, robberies, seiner, tuna
News Archive

American fishing captains are asking RMI law enforcement officials to put an end to ongoing assaults and robberies in Majuro of crew members from US-flagged purse seiners. The navigator on a US-flagged purse seiner who was robbed at knife point in a Majuro taxi earlier this month and his captain filed a formal complaint to […]
By Journal on May 6, 2016
Collin Beck, Jasmine Mendiola, Makurita Baaro, Maurice Brownjohn, PNA, Schneider Yasi, Tiarite Kwong, tuna, World Tuna Day
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World Tuna Day was celebrated in New York City earlier this week, with dozens of Pacific island leaders, industry and others gathered for the event. This is the sixth year of tuna day that was launched by Parties to the Nauru Agreement in 2011. “This was our first time to celebrate World Tuna Day in […]
By Journal on November 14, 2015
Dr. Transform Aqorau, Maurice Brownjohn, New Zealand, PNA, skipjack, tuna
News Archive

The visit to Majuro this week by a New Zealand team reviewing commercial tuna management schemes highlights a growing debate between the eight PNA members and distant water fishing nations. The conflict centers on whether “catch limits” are better than “effort limits,” which is what PNA uses to manage the skipjack tuna fishery. Effort limits […]