US hits grand slam

US Embassy Chargé Jeremiah Knight, left, joined Power 103.5FM DJ Yastamon to liven up the Bo-July show at Delap Park on July 9. The huge event brought thousands to the park. Photo: Chewy Lin.

The Australian and American embassies hit the equivalent of grand slam homeruns with their public events at Delap Park — the Aussie-inspired super dance contest and concert on June 18, and the US Embassy and the Marshallese veterans association Post 22-combined Bo-July event this past weekend.

These were both superlative public events for Majuro and combined brought out thousands of Majuro residents to enjoy the different events. Both were run by Daniel Kramer’s Six9Too Productions team. If there was any doubt about Six9Too’s ability to successfully manage and deliver big events in the RMI, these two extravaganzas erase that possible misconception.

Last Saturday’s Bo-July program pulled in thousands of children and adults for the festivities: Games, contests, music, prizes, hot dogs by the thousand, and the live broadcasts, interviews and announcing by the Team Bo-July: The US Embassy’s Chargé Jeremiah Knight and Power 103.5FM DJ Yastamon.

Evening featured live bands and dancing and fireworks. A great way to celebrate July 4 in Majuro.

Both embassies have invested a good deal of time, energy and resources into these big public events with great success and appreciation from the community.


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