Arno blasted by waves

A fire-brigade line offloads relief aid for an island in Arno Atoll earlier this week following wave damage on January 20. Photo: Red Cross.
A fire-brigade line offloads relief aid for an island in Arno Atoll earlier this week following wave damage on January 20. Photo: Red Cross.

In addition to Roi-Namur Island and islands in Ailinglaplap, several islands in Arno Atoll were blasted by high waves during the flooding January 20.

Bikareej and Rearlaplap were particularly hit with ocean inundation, that tossed rocks, coral and debris onto the islands and damaged many houses and other facilities on the islands.

The RMI government and partners launched a disaster relief visit to Arno Monday this week.

US officials, including Chargé d’Affaires Lance Posey and visiting Deputy Assistant Secretary of State for East Asia and the Pacific Jung Pak, joined personnel from the RMI’s National Disaster Management Office, International Federation of Red Cross and Red Crescent Societies, and the Marshall Islands Red Cross Society to support a RMI government disaster relief mission to Arno Atoll.

A Red Cross survey of the January 19 high surf event’s aftermath documented a critical need for humanitarian relief in Arno’s Bikareej and Rearlaplap communities. Destroyed homes and key infrastructure, such as water catchments, lent urgency to the rapid response.

US Department of State Deputy Assistant Secretary for East Asian and Pacific Affairs Jung Pak passes a box of Arno-bound relief supplies to National Disaster Management Office Director Isidore Robert. Photo: United States Department of State.
US Department of State Deputy Assistant Secretary for East Asian and Pacific Affairs Jung Pak passes a box of Arno-bound relief supplies to National Disaster Management Office Director Isidore Robert. Photo: United States Department of State.

In addition to Roi-Namur Island and islands in Ailinglaplap, several islands in Arno Atoll were blasted by high waves during the flooding January 20.

Bikareej and Rearlaplap were particularly hit with ocean inundation, that tossed rocks, coral and debris onto the islands and damaged many houses and other facilities on the islands.

The RMI government and partners launched a disaster relief visit to Arno Monday this week.

US officials, including Chargé d’Affaires Lance Posey and visiting Deputy Assistant Secretary of State for East Asia and the Pacific Jung Pak, joined personnel from the RMI’s National Disaster Management Office, International Federation of Red Cross and Red Crescent Societies, and the Marshall Islands Red Cross Society to support a RMI government disaster relief mission to Arno Atoll.

A Red Cross survey of the January 19 high surf event’s aftermath documented a critical need for humanitarian relief in Arno’s Bikareej and Rearlaplap communities. Destroyed homes and key infrastructure, such as water catchments, lent urgency to the rapid response.

The US and international teams worked alongside government and local NGO partners to pack, load, and ship essential supplies ranging from portable generators, temporary shelter, and potable water to sanitation and hygiene kits, bedding, cooking utensils, and rope.
USAID spearheads the ongoing United States support for relief efforts throughout the RMI’s affected atolls, except at Kwajalein, where the the United States Department of State fills that role.


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