Loss of hope for islands

Loss of hope for islands

Journal 10/30/1987 P1 Back to TT ‘pork barrel’ daysIs there something that legislators, magistrates and other elected officials in Micronesia see that the rest of us are missing? This may explain why many of those charged with overseeing development funds under the Compact are busily appropriating this money for seawalls, community houses, docks and other […]

Pandanus featured in food show

Pandanus featured in food show

HILARY HOSIA The opening of the World Food Day celebrations in Majuro kicked off at Delap Park last Friday with local-style entertainment and competitions. A parade of pandanus-themed floats prepared by several high schools kicked off the event, beginning at Rita and ending at Delap Park. Each high school showcased their unique artistry with displays […]

EU backs water work

EU backs water work

The Marshall Islands has six million reasons to celebrate and here’s why: The Addressing Climate Vulnerability in the Water Sector project or ACWA for short, is slatted to receive six million Euros ($6.5 million) to complement its ongoing water security project throughout the RMI. This development was confirmed during the pre-agreement ceremony between visiting EU […]

No Nitijela, so Abba it is

No Nitijela, so Abba it is

Journal 10/16/1987 P13 World Council eyes health needsA five-member team representing the World Council of Churches arrived in Majuro earlier this week for meetings and consultations with the Ministry of Health and the religious community. The team, composed mostly of medical doctors with experience in primary health care in developing nations, is representing the Christian […]

Army team visits Jaluit

Army team visits Jaluit

Jaluit High School recently welcomed the US Army’s Oceania Engagement Team to the Marshall Islands for a week-long vocational opportunities exchange on Jabor. Master Sergeant John Phillips delivered presentations informing students of training and career pathways in the uniformed services of the United States between visits to the JHS vocational training classes. Phillips visited the […]

Laureen honored by Japan

Laureen honored by Japan

HILARY HOSIA Laureen Joab Batol became the first Marshallese to receive the prestigious “Order of The Sacred Treasure, Silver Rays” award that is bestowed only by the Emperor of Japan. Japan Ambassador to Marshall Islands Kazunari Tanaka presented the award to Laureen during a conferring ceremony at the Japanese Embassy in Delap last Thursday. Family […]

UH-CMI partner for degree program

UH-CMI partner for degree program

The College of the Marshall Islands and the University of Hawaiʻi at Mānoa, Thompson School of Social Work and Public Health signed a memorandum of understanding last week that will open opportunities for students to achieve a bachelor’s and master’s degree in social work. Theresa Kreif and Emma Reimers-Kurashige, both social workers with master’s degrees […]

RMI returns to HR Council

RMI returns to HR Council

The Marshall Islands was elected to its second two-year term on the United Nations Human Rights Council during a UN General Assembly vote last week. According to the Reuters news agency, the Asia-Pacific group was the only competitive race for the Human Rights Council. There were five seats available to this group and the RMI […]

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