Crowds pack the ECC gym

Crowds pack the ECC gym

Journal 9/25/1987 P7 Book of figures finishedThe Republic of the Marshall Islands has completed publication of the Marshall Islands Statistical Abstract 1986, the second annual publication of the data source. The publication is largely the work of statistician Marty Jekkein, who is created by Chief Secretary Oscar deBrum with doing the actual compilation work. Journal […]

Students shine for Culture Week

Students shine for Culture Week

HILARY HOSIA Grandmothers across the islands were extra busy Sunday evening weaving leis and floral necklaces needed for the observation of culture week starting the next day. Manit Week offered students the opportunity to showcase local fashion trends while learning the history of the Marshallese culture. Specific days called for specific displays of local handicrafts, […]

‘I Talk of Dreams’

‘I Talk of Dreams’

GIFF JOHNSON Four Marshallese young people are featured in a new book published last month. I Talk of Dreams is the latest book of Dartmouth Professor Emeritus Andrew Garrod, who after 20 years of directing theater productions in Majuro needs little introduction. The book features a collection of articles by people whose lives he has […]

Task force pushes new air links

Task force pushes new air links

GIFF JOHNSON One thing that has been demonstrated by the work of RMI’s Aviation Task Force is that increasing airline connections needs start-up funding to make possible new service on often thinly traveled routes. Pre-Covid, the Aviation Task Force’s discussions with Nauru Airlines led to an agreement to launch new service connecting Majuro to Brisbane, […]

ADB’s biggest grant to RMI

ADB’s biggest grant to RMI

The Asian Development Bank and the RMI government signed off last week on the bank’s largest-ever grant to the Marshall Islands. The $52.5 million grant will be focused on fresh water, sanitation and solid waste management improvements on both Majuro and Ebeye. The largest portion of the grant will be directed toward Majuro Water and […]

Jail rocking since 1987!

Jail rocking since 1987!

Journal 9/18/1987 P1 Jailhouse rocks!One of the most colorful local spots on Majuro happens to be the jailhouse, and its potential as a tourist attraction should not be overlooked. We’ve had reporters down at the jail who were entertained to see nubile young girls on exhibition just off the main lobby, girls with endowments that […]

Story telling at media workshop

Story telling at media workshop

Twenty-five journalists, students and government public information officers, participated in the Telling Your Pacific Story media workshop held at Palau Community College from September 9-13, 2024. A panel presentation, “The future of tourism in Palau: The key issues,” was a highlight of the workshop and provided information that was used by participants to create articles, […]

Jiba’s legacy for Arno

Jiba’s legacy for Arno

EVE BURNS Christmas came early for Arno last weekend. Last Saturday the newest non-government organization called Jibandrik donated four playground sets with the support of Australia’s Direct Aid Program for the NGO’s project “Expanding Childhood Learning Through Active Play.” Jibandrik started out last year by joining in Arno’s Christmas parade. It followed up that event […]

Farewell to Rev. Jori

Farewell to Rev. Jori

HILARY HOSIA Funeral services in celebration of the life of late United Church of Christ Reverend Jori Lokboj began this week following the initial wake at the UCC headquarters in Uliga Monday. In the service, Reverend Josen Teico praised Rev. Jori and his family for his lifelong service to the faith. “He even reached to […]

Students talk tuna jobs

Students talk tuna jobs

WILMER JOEL Around 47 participants from Life Skills Academy, Assumption High School, Marshall Islands High School and local residents participated in an industry dialogue organized by FISH4ACP, Marshall Islands Marine Resources Authority, and Alele Museum at Marshall Islands Resort’s Lomalo Room last week. The discussion focused on youth employment opportunities, fishing, and Marshallese culture. Presenters […]

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