Nitijela likes MIDB taxi scheme

Nitijela likes MIDB taxi scheme

HILARY HOSIA The Nitijela audit panel conducting public hearings for government and state owned enterprises this week is following a new method: they are looking beyond the numbers and zeroing in on how to improve services. The Public Accounts Committee is chaired by Maloelap Senator Bruce Bilimon, a longtime employee at the Ministry of Finance […]

5 guys go to HI tourney

5 guys go to HI tourney

Journal 3/2/1982 P1 DeBrum: Compact talks broke down Marshall Islands Foreign Secretary Tony deBrum returned home on February 25 to report that status negotiations with the United States had broken down. Secretary deBrum said in a news release: “We’re back to square one. We are now further away from the end of the negotiations than […]

A $100,000 handshake

A $100,000 handshake

HILARY HOSIA Majuro Atoll Local Government is slated to receive a continuing stream of funding from anchorage fees collected by Marshall Islands Ports Authority starting with $100,000 this year and an average of $40,000 to $50,000 annually in upcoming years. The $100,000 “handshake” by Majuro Mayor Ladie Jack and Ports Authority Board Chair Robert Pinho […]

Math whiz departs Marshalls

KELLY LORENNIJ “I am from Japan, but the Marshall Islands is my second home,” Daishiro Taniguchi told the Journal before his departure for Japan last week. Taniguchi taught secondary math for two years as a Japan International Cooperation Agency volunteer, and returned to work as a math specialist for the Public School System at the […]

Women push postal vote

Women push postal vote

HILARY HOSIA Nitijela senators began endorsing a plan to repeal the postal absentee ballot ban Wednesday following the presentation of a petition to restore voting for islanders living off-shore by Evelyn Konou and Biram Stege. Over 800 Marshallese citizens endorsed the petition, for which Parliament Speaker Kenneth Kedi and Maloelap Senator Bruce Bilimon publicly announced […]

MIMRA signs historic Thai pact

MIMRA signs historic Thai pact

An agreement that is expected to boost tuna fishery management was signed last week in Thailand between the Marshall Islands Marine Resources Authority and Thailand’s Department of Fisheries. Thailand is a major global hub for tuna processing and Majuro has the world’s busiest tuna transshipment port. Tuna transshipments from fishing vessels to refrigerated carrier vessels is a […]

Students shine in math contest

Students shine in math contest

The results of the second Jiai Bonbon math competition placed Delap Elementary and Coop schools at the top in overall scores for primary and secondary categories, respectively. This year students in grades three and higher competed as a group rather than individually. Last year’s champion Long Island Elementary placed first in the grade four division. […]