RMI tackles health problems

RMI tackles health problems

ISAAC MARTY The number one killer of Marshallese is non-communicable diseases (NCDs). Existing prevention programs trying to halt or curve the NCD trend now have question marks hanging over them. Are they doing a good job? The best answer is that authorities need information in order to evaluate both NCD levels and response programs. For […]

Czech Republic opens local office

Czech Republic opens local office

KAREN EARNSHAW Pacific International Inc.’s Chief Executive Officer Jerry Kramer is the new the Honorary Consul for the Czech Republic, lifting the number of Honorary Consuls in the Marshall Islands to seven. The Czech Ambassador to the Marshall Islands Jaroslav Olsa, Jr. was in town and met with President Hilda Heine and attended the opening […]

3,000 chicks fly in from Hawaii

3,000 chicks fly in from Hawaii

Journal 7/18/1975 P4 What They’ve Said/About the Bikinians — Again By Mary Browning. Power. The US, as a nation, has quite a lot of it. All of us, individually, have some in some circumstances and less in others. People separately and in groups use power with varying degrees of wisdom. But, one thing seems certain: […]

More girl grads in RMI

More girl grads in RMI

Five hundred and sixty students graduated this year from public and private schools in the Marshall Islands. According to graduation data provided by the Public School System and individual private schools, slightly more girls graduated this year than boys. Girls accounted for 289 — 52 percent — of this year’s graduates, while there were 271 […]

Julia is back at MOH

Julia is back at MOH

HILARY HOSIA It was business as usual at Majuro hospital Tuesday: Procurement Director Isidore Robert made his usual inventory; Cold Chain nurses Bina Mylon and Mineko Mista tended to patients at the children’s ward; patient Debbie Schutz received her dose of AB blood at the ER ward; Nurse Sylintina Gallen gave newborn Ruthann George her […]

Lots of marlin at fish tourney

Lots of marlin at fish tourney

Danny Paul caught the biggest marlin in last weekend’s 35th Annual Marshalls Billfish Club Tournament, setting the pace for a competition that saw 15 marlin caught and nine tagged and released over two days of fishing. Paul, fishing on Lotujo, caught 377 pound and 125 pound marlins. Bill Capelle on Jojo Lele caught a 321 […]

Likiep life is slow and easy

Likiep life is slow and easy

Journal 7/11/1975 P1 No decision yet as deadline nears With the announcement last week by the Marianas delegation to the Micronesian Constitutional convention that they would indeed participate in the ConCon, the question of the Marshalls delegation suddenly became a more spotlighted arena. On July 7, Representative Ataji Balos said in Majuro that no final […]